When I did the OTP Challenge, this was the alternative story for my season 1 one shot but it went way over the allowed word count so I am posting it here now (in two parts). The first part is mainly Jaya, the second part will have some Nya and Kai sibling fluff.
Kai's Birthday - Part 1: The Perfect Date // Jay x Nya
Jay nervously paced up and down the narrow and dimly lit corridor on the lower deck of the Destiny's Bounty, letting out a little sigh each time that he passed by her closed door, once again too afraid to stop in front of it.
Earlier that afternoon, the team had returned from Mega Monster Amusement Park, more precisely from his and Nya's first date as well as another fight against the Serpentine, both having been remotely successful.
The blue Ninja knew that he should be feeling great right now. Not only had he unlocked his True Potential and saved the day – as well as the girl of his dreams – he had also received a kiss on his cheek from Nya.
Yet, he wasn't. Pythor still had gotten away with the Fang Blade. Also, during their date, Jay had first lied to Nya, then turned into a snake and made a fool of himself in front of the whole restaurant. And worst of all, despite her saying that she liked him, Jay still had absolutely no idea where his relationship (if there was one at all to begin with) with Nya stood after all this.
Was she now his girlfriend? And would she be interested to go out with him again, on a second date?
These were just two of the questions he desperately wanted to ask her but was too afraid too, as he was further wearing down the old wooden boards of the corridor.
And, most importantly, he wanted to know if she was alright.
Following their return to the flying ship, Nya had locked herself into her room, claiming she was tired (not too surprising after their near death experience on the rollercoaster) and needed to get some rest.
But that had now been three hours and one dinner ago. And despite the very generous portions at Beastyburgers, neither of them had actually gotten to eat very much on their date.
Eventually, Jay's concern for the raven-haired girl outweighed his anxiety and he stopped right in front of the intimidating wooden door, raising his hand to knock on it, very gently though as not to wake her up in case Nya was asleep.
"Kai?" Nya's sweet voice came from the other side of the door. Of course, her caring big brother would be the first person on the beautiful Samurai's mind, rather than her maybe-boyfriend.
"Uhm, n-no. I-it's Jay." He replied, hoping she wouldn't be too disappointed.
"Oh, that's good." Nya actually sounded – relieved? "Please come in."
Jay slowly opened the door and entered Nya's room, taking a good look around. He had actually never been in here before, even earlier today, as he was waiting for her to get changed for their date, he had remained standing in the doorway. And even if he hadn't, Nya had entirely blown him away with her outfit that he wouldn't really have paid too much attention to the room itself anyway. But it was undeniably a very nice room, bright and spacious, probably about the same size as the one Jay shared with his three brothers. And a lot more tastefully decorated and less smelly than the bunk room.
Nya was sitting on her bed, with her laptop open and some notes scattered around her. As Jay approached her, she flashed him a bright smile. "Hi."
"Hi." He replied. "I-I just wanted to see if you're alright..."
"Yeah, I'm fine." She answered unconvincingly. "Just tired. Thanks for checking."
It didn't look like she was resting at all but Jay didn't want to call her out. Maybe she was designing some upgrades to her mech, something that just a few hours ago had been kept a secret from everyone on this ship.

Ninjago - One-shots and short Stories
FanfictionA collection of Ninjago one-shots and short stories (2-4 chapters). Canon characters and ships only. No x OC or x Reader. Lots of Jaya ?. Thanks to @Sopherloafer for making the cover (images are not mine). Disclaimer: I do not own Ninjago.