The Ones That Got Away

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Update: This story is now continued in a separate book.



The Ones that Got Away

"I'll be with you in a second." Skylor called from the kitchen when she heard the little bell over the door ring. She put down the knife she had been using to cut some vegetables. As she washed her hand, the red-haired woman checked her appearance in the small mirror over the sink.

Her reflection certainly confirmed how she felt, that she was exhausted to - and even beyond - her limits.

In the aftermath of Garmadon's attack of Ninjago City, all of her employees had quit, making Skylor the manager, chef, and waitress in one. In these dark times, people wanted to be with their loved ones - many of them had fled the capital - but the Master of Amber also suspected that most of them wouldn't want to be associated with her, not just the daughter of the Emperor's former tutor and arch enemy but also a member of the New Elemental Alliance.

Skylor had heard the rumours about associates of the Ninja, Master Wu and the former Sensei Garmadon - like Mystake, Dareth, even Ronin - currently being hunted down by the Sons of Garmadon. It was probably just a matter of time until they would get here as well.

Which was probably the main reason why business had been very slow these days. Master Chen's Noodle House was offering shelter and free food to those who had lost their homes to the events of Garmageddon, but not many had availed of it.

Skylor retightened her ponytail and put a fake smile on her tired face, before she walked through the swinging door leading into the restaurant area.

"Welcome to Master Chen's Noodle House and thank you for your patience." She greeted the four guests who had just entered her business. "How can I h..." Her face fell when she acted looked at her clients, recognising them as Nya, Lloyd, Lloyd's mother Misako, and the female Nindroid that used to live in Zane's head. " you?"

Yes, they could definitely need some help. All four of them were battered and bruised - or dented in the Nindroid's case.
And this was confirmed further when, in response to Skylor's question, Nya fell around her neck, sobbing violently.

The redhead gently rubbed her boyfriend's sister's back. To say she was confused was an understatement. Nya never cried. She never showed any kind of weakness. So... what in Ninjago had happened (other than the obvious that is)? And, where were the other Ninja?

"You don't need to talk right now." Skylor told them. "Why don't you sit down and I'll get you some water? Maybe some noodles?"

She smiled inwardly, remembering that one time when Kai had come to the restaurant for her advice and they had shared a meal and a deep conversation. This had definitely been a turning point in their relationship. The orange Ninja sure hoped that he was going to join them here today.

"Table for eight?" Skylor instantly regretted this suggestion, when she felt Nya start to shive. Skylor tightly gripped her arms, preventing the raven-haired girl from hitting the floor as she fainted.

With Lloyd's help, she led the Water Ninja to private booth in the far corner. After they had managed to sit her down on the bench, the restaurant owner rushed to the bar and took a bottle of water as well as four - not eight - glasses.

"Will you please join us, Skylor?" Misako politely requested when she returned to the table.

"Sure." Skylor replied. After filling the glasses and handing them to her guests, she took a chair opposite her boyfriend's sister. Nya gave her a weak smile.

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