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Scott looks around the lunch table with his Pack, the group of friends who have sworn to help protect their town, Beacon Hills. Nobody ever said that it would be easy, but who likes easy? Theo joins Scott at the table, earning looks from everyone,especially his best friend, Stiles. Scott sighed "You will have to accept Theo, I love him. And he is the father of these babies." Scott sets his hands on top of his bump that is round with twins. Theo smiled at Theo. "We do accept him Scott, does not mean we have to like him though." Stiles remarked. "Stiles." Scott warned. Stiles puts his hands up in surrender "This is me being kind as I can. Remember that. Now, what are we going to do about tonight? Its a full moon." Stiles reminded. "We should lock up Scott. No offense again Scott." Malia offered. Scott shakes his hand "I understand, that was a rough one Malia. But, I have to disagree this time. I know I am in control. And plus these two do not like being locked up." Theo smiled fondly down at the bump on Scott. "We cannot have you running around though Scott. You were a nightmare last time. Dude, I love you, but, you was like your first full moon. And I do not want to experience that again. Do you understand?" Scott shakes his head "As Alpha I am saying no to your requests." "Maybe your pack is right Scott." Theo adds. Everyone turned to look at Theo, he was Scott's little pet, he could do no wrong. Have we all forgotten about when Theo wanted to kill Scott? Of course Scott has forgiven, like he always does. That will cause him a great defeat one of these days. "What?" Scott asked. "You had no control over yourself. You forget that this is not only about your life, you have two more lives to worry about." Theo says. "I am always worrying about the lives of others! Do not dare say that I am not worrying. I am saying no!" Scott suddenly gasped, grabbing at his belly. "Scott?" Stiles worried. Scott rubbed his belly "They are ooh kicking." Scott replied. Theo rubs Scott's belly, even his hand quivers away "Wow. They are, what could be wrong with them?" Theo questioned. Scott groaned, "This does not feel right. I need mom." Suddenly, Scott starts shaking, he falls to the ground, "Scott!" Stiles worried.  Scott closed his eyes."Scott, you need to wake up! Please you need to wake up! We need Melissa." Stiles urged. "Okay. Get him in your Jeep Stiles, we will follow you to the hospital. Go, we are following right behind you." Theo picks up Scott, "Come along Stiles, we need to see Melissa." "Right behind you." Stiles replied.

Stiles carries Scott into the hospital "Melissa? Where is Melissa?" Scott demands. Melissa comes running around the corner "Here. Whats wrong?" Melissa freezes when she sees Scott in Stiles arms. "What happened to my son! Where is Theo?" Melissa demanded. "He is coming around later. There is something else, I think Scott's water broke when I was driving here. Make sure those babies are okay!" Melissa nodded "You know I will. I need a wheelchair over here for me please." Stiles sets down Scott "You are coming along too Stiles. You are his best friend. He will want you there with him. And you are family, you are around with Scott enough, and I need you too Stiles. I cannot loose my son, or my grandbabies." Melissa whispered. Stiles nodded "I am here for you Melissa, always. Come on, Scott needs us."

Scott regains. "Where am I?" He murmurs. Stiles takes his hand "At the hospital. You went into shock." Scott puts his hand against his belly "And my babies?" Scott then groaned, and closed his eyes. "Also, you are in labour." "Where is Theo? I need Theo with me." Scott asks. "He is outside the door Scott." Stiles said. "Can I see him?" Scott begs. Stiles nodded "I will get him. I will see you after those babies are delivered. And I call GodFather to those little werewolf babies." Stiles added. Scott laughed "Planned on it Stiles, please go get Theo."

Theo walks into the room, rushing over to Scott's side. "You need to deliver the babies, or they will not survive Scott." Scott nods "I heard mom talking about it already. I am scared. I can do this, right Theo?" "You know you can. You are Alpha Scott McCall, you can do this. I believe in you Scott."

"I hate your face." Scott declared, using his strength to hurt Theo's hand. Theo does not say anything, but he does nods "Okay." He said. "This will be you next. I am never letting you touch me. Are you listening?!" Scott growled. Theo nods "I understand. Just keep breathing, you are doing great Scott. Yay, babies." Theo says. "Shut up." Growled Scott. "Yeah, okay."

"One last push for your last baby!" Theo is admiring his oldest baby, a proud son. "You can do this." Theo praised. Scott grunted, and breathed, then pushed. "Baby girl."

Scott marvelous over his daughter "Hi, Nova." Scott cooed. "And hello, to you, Darren." Scott cooed.

Fellow, humans! Thank you for reading this writing! And make your requests :)

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