Chapter 41

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You feel like the wind is knocked out of you. You stand there stunned and speechless, your free hand flying to your mouth.

"(Y/N)?" Peggy's voice asks hesitantly after a few seconds. "(Y/N) are you there?"

"W-what?" You whimper in a state of shock.

"Did you hear me? I think you need to get down here now. They're going to be here soon," Peggy says as kindly and calmly as possible.

"Okay. Okay yeah sure." You mumble distractedly, your mind racing.

"Are you okay? I'm sure everything's going to be okay," she says worriedly. "Bucky will get through this."

"Yep." Is all you say before slamming the phone down and bursting out crying, trying to muffle your sobs with your hand.

For some reason your feet start to take you towards and into your bedroom where a sleeping Theo lies. You scoop him up and cradle him so close against your chest terrified and wanting to protect him from all the dangers of the world and keep him safe in your arms as if he is the one that's been harmed.

You feel physically sick with worry at the thought of what state Bucky could be in and the amount of pain he must be in. You weakly sit down on the edge of your bed and silently cry to yourself.

What are you going to do with the kids? Luke's at school but you've got Isla and Theo. As if on cue Isla comes running into the room.

"Muummyyyy can I ha- mumma? What's wrong?" She shouts but then stops and frowns when she sees that you're clearly upset.

Slowly she walks over to you and puts her hands on your knees, looking up at you innocently.

What do you say to her? The truth obviously. This isn't something you will be able to keep hidden for long.

"Mummy?" She asks again softly. "Are you okay?"

"Daddy's been hurt sweetie. He has to go to hospital." You sniffle, trying to get yourself together.

Instantly her face falls and her eyes start to well up and it isn't long before her bottom lip drops.

"How?" She whimpers. "Did the bad guys that he's chasing get him?"

"Yes baby, yeah they did." I nod sadly and pull her up onto my lap for a hug. "He has to go to the hospital so that they can make him better so I'm going to drop you off at grandma's and go see him."

Things still aren't the best with your mum these days. You only really see her when you need to.

"No! I want to come see daddy too!" She cries suddenly.

"I don't know if that-" you start.

"I want to see daddy! I want to make sure he's okay!" She sobs.

"Okay fine you and Theo can come with me." You sigh, not in the mood to fight.

You put her down, stand up, rush you all out to the car without grabbing anything else and start towards S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters quickly. The car ride is silent apart from the occasional sniffle or soft cry on yours and Isla's part and luckily Theo is asleep.

"Mummy?" Isla asks sheepishly after a while.

"Yeah honey?" You reply.

"What did the bad guys do to daddy?"

You huff. "They stabbed him apparently."

"With a knife?" She gasps.


"Is he going to be okay?"

"I don't know baby girl, I haven't been told much and they haven't seen how badly injured he is yet."

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