The Beach |3|

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| Language and mentions of Sex are used |


"What?" He asks, confused by my outburst. I look outside the window behind him and see that it is still daytime. I then look back at him and ruffle his blonde hair. He grins.

"Just go change." I chuckle as I pull away. "Preferably in a swimsuit. Although, a speedo would do nicely as well." I smirk as I walk to the bedroom where maverick resides in his cage. I close the door behind me and change.

I put on a black top that criss-crosses in the back that goes along with a gold bottom that is a little tiny. The whole thing showed off my breasts and ass quite nicely. I then go to the restroom to get ready.

*Logans POV*

I grab my vlog camera and press record.

"AYOO! Good morning Logang, WHAT'S POPPIN!" I say going close to the camera, then backing out, then going close again. Then I scream."Wew! Guys I'm sorry, still trying to wake up." I explain to the camera. "AnYWaY, EVAN!!" I yelled running into Evans room. "Evan where are you?" I said in a fake sad voice in the empty room. "Evan..? " I say even more 'sad' knowing that I will insert a perfect sad song later. I then start laughing, "I'm just kidding guys, Evans okay, he's just at the store right now."

I groan and slide my hand down my face in irritation. I sigh and become energetic once again, "So today I'm going to be goin' over to Ricegums' place 'cause apparently Kennedy and Alissa are gonna be hanging out today." I then put the camera super close to my face, "To be real though, I'm gonna talk to ricegum about our beef, so stay tuned to see that." I chuckle and my ridiculousness, "and I will see you there!" I say, putting my hand on the lens, pausing the camera.

"Yo Logan! Come get ready I'm almost done!" I hear Kennedy shout. I softly smile.

"I'm coming!" I say walking to the bedroom door. I open the door and see Maverick flapping around in his cage to my left. I chuckle to myself and then look to the right.

As I'm about to go to the closet, I see Kennedy leaning over the sink looking in the mirror, most likely doing her make-up or something. Then I pay attention to her body, her swimsuit. I widen my eyes and I feel my insides tightening. Damn, she looks too good. She sees me staring and begins to laugh.

"I see you like it." She snickered. I rolled my eyes and walked over to her. She set down her make-up and looked at me. I set my hands on her waist and she put her left hand on my chest and her right arm around my neck. As I'm leaning down to kiss her cute face, Maverick comes in and lands on my shoulder, causing Kennedy to jump.

"Dammit Maverick, I was about to smash!" I joked, causing Kennedy to laugh. She puts her hand on my cheek and lightly smacks it, waking me up a bit. "Okay, rude." I reply causing her to scoff and back up.

"Change, now. We're leaving in 5." She said walking out of the restroom. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair then whipped it to the side.

"Right Mav, let's do this." Once I said that, maverick flew away. "Come on!" I groaned then laughed. I walked out of the bathroom and went to my closet finding red swimtrunks that had white lining. I got changed into that and debated whether or not to wear a shirt.

When I don't wear a shirt, Kennedy squeals and gets embarrassed. It's super cute, so maybe I might just go with that. Buttt, if I do wear a shirt-- yeah, I got nothing. No shirt it is!

Once I had finally decided, I wipped my hair to the side and went to find Kennedy. When I found Kennedy I saw her holding Kong, recording herself on snapchat. I slowly walk up behind her.

"Hi Kongy! Say hi--" she said talking to her phone. All of the sudden she turned around and saw me, she was startled. "L-Logan!"

I walk closer to her and put my hands on her hips from behind, "Hi baby." I said smiling next to her head, looking at the camera. Then it stopped and the video began to play on it's loop. Kennedy quickly looked away, posted it, then threw it on the couch. She then set Kong down and finally turned to look at me.

Her face flushed with the colour red and she pursed her lips. "H-Hi there.." she said softly, slightly embarrassed. I walk closer to her and look down, kissing her forehead. "We s-should go! Yeah.." she said turning around picking up her phone and bag.

"Wait," I say as she stops in her tracks, me only being able to see her back, "we can't go anywhere without keys." I finish, taking the keys out of my pockets and jingling them. She sighs.

"Of course, thank you Logan." She smiles at ms not looking at my chest. I try to step closer to her but she steps back a little, her face becoming red once again. "Um, let's go."

"Can I at least hold your hand?" I ask with a slight pouting face. She giggles and holds out her hand. We head to the elevator and eventually get to the car.


*Kennedys POV*

We arrive at the beach and Alissa storms over to me, verrry pissed.

"What the hell Kenny!" She yells. I step back a bit and fall back onto Logan. I look up at him and he's smiling down at me. I give him an awkward smile then look back at Alissa.

"Look, things got a bit.. well, it's complicated. Point is, I'm sorry." I say trying to put things in the best way possible. She rolls her eyes and laughs. Logan and I stare confused.

"I get it, ya'll had sex, it's cool." She giggles to herself. My mouth drops and I feel as if I'm going to hurl.

"Alissa! You know very well that I'm a virgin." I yell-whispered. She was almost crying from laughing so hard. I could sense my cheeks were red because my face was so hot. I looked back at Logan to see his reaction but it didn't help that he was shirtless. My cheeks could very well be on fire for all I know.

I finally gathered the strength to actually look at his eyes, his flawless blue eyes. They showed of embarrassment and discomfort. Basically sharing my emotions as well.

"Alissa there you are!" A man yelled wearing a black hat, a shirt that said Thrasher, and some swimtrunks. That's probably Banks, FaZe Banks. Alissa looked at him with pure happiness in her eyes and kissed him.

I haven't seen that look since before she met Jake.

"Hey baby. Oh! This is Kennedy. Logans girlfriend of 7 months." She said to him pointing at me. I smiled, said 'Hey', and did a little 'peace' sign.

"Yo, it's great to finally meet you! Alissa talks of you a lot." He said smiling at me, then at Alissa. "And Ayyee, Logan! Nice to see you again man." He said to Logan giving him a bro hug.

"You too Ricky." Logan said fist bumping him.

"You two go hang out. I think Kennedy and I are gonna tan for a bit." Alissa suggested. They agreed and ran to the shore of the beach. "BTW, WE'RE GOING TO RICE'S PLACE AFTER!" She screamed at them, causing me to cover my ears. "Come on." She said dragging me to two lounge chairs. She sat in one and I sat in the other. "So.. have you told him?" She asked anxiously, I rolled my eyes.

"No, I haven't." I explained slightly frustrated with myself. "It's like, every time I find the right moment, I just flake." I sighed. She grabbed my hand to comfort me.

"Why does it scare you so much?" She looks at the sand. "In 5 months, you'll have been together a year. And will you still not have said 'I love you'?" She asked looking at me once more, puzzled. I groan.

"I just-- UGHH, I don't know!" I say with my internal struggle evident. Alissa sits up.

"You don't know how to bring it up," she pauses and lets go of my hand, staring at me intently, "or you don't know if you love him?"


Well shit turned rreeeaaall quick right?

Stay tuned for the next chapter. (It's a flashback!!)

- Sierra 👑💸

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