Outta My Hair |27|

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| Strong Language |
| Longgggg (detailed/descriptive) Chapter |
(A chapter to lift your spirits even though it sucks 💜)


Day 1...

"WHAT!?" I shouted at Logan. "You're fucking kidding, right?"

"No..." Logan said nervously. I groaned in aggravation.

"Logan, you just expect me to drop everything I'm doing for Victoria Secret this week for your FREAKING music video?" I said growing even more pissed. He sighed.

"I'm sorry! Bella got busy and canceled last minute! Something about shooting for "Famous In Love" early." He explained. I am so angry and frustrated right now.

"Babe, I just--I don't know! I don't know if V.S. will let me." I told him stressed about to break down. He comes over and hugs me.

"Hey, hey, hey, shhhh." He calmed me. I took deep breaths and look back into his eyes. They were longing for me to just say yes, PLEADING. "I'll talk to Victoria Secret, don't stress, okay?" He soothed me. I nodded and smiled.

"F-Fine." I gave in. Then realization hit me,"Wait-- how will we hide my stomach?" I asked, he sighed.

"For the most part you'll be wearing loose clothing, but you'll eventually be wearing relatively revealing clothing that show part if your.. umm," He paused and pointed at my chest, clearing his throat,"boobs." I widened my eyes.

"Oh." I said surprised. "Well, u-umm. When do we leave?" I ask, trying to relieve some tension.

"An hour, I'll be vlogging a lot too so, prepare for that I guess." He warned. I nodded. "I'm gonna go call Victoria Secret now." He informed me, I nodded again and he left.


I'm getting makeup put on me and I put my hair in two braids, my hair is a dark dark brown, almost black (A/N: If you were wondering, she's supposed to look like Kylie Jenner). The artist finishes up my makeup which is super simple, and then I go to get dressed.

I change into the Cool bus styled Maverick sweatshirt (it's the navy blue, grey, and white one) and nothing else. I just have the sweatshirt and panties on. All of the sudden I hear a knock.

"Hola?" I ask giggling, looking at the door. Logan pokes his head through.

"Hey, you feeling better?" He asks with a smile. I nod and he comes into the room completely.

He comes in wearing a black robe wih gold accents all over while wearing white maverick socks. Man, we're plugging big time right now.

I come over to him and he leans down so I can kiss him. I peck him on the lips and he pulls away a little bit. He bites his bottom lip furrowing his eyebrows.

"Are you wearing anything else?" He said, scanning me. I looked at myself to see what was so, intriguing, to him.

"Uuhhh, nope. Just this and underwear." I said plainly. He poked his tongue around his mouth, nodding.

"Okay, okay. Well it's time, so, let's go?" He says in more of a question. I nod and he pulls me close to his body. He kisses me and I giggle. He pulls away.

"God, you take so damn long." He whispered. I scoffed and we held hands.

We eventually walked out, hand-in-hand, catching the attention of crew and set decorators. Logan was leading me while I waved to everyone. Eventually I had zoned out for a minute.

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