their back & needle

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Diana pov

It was night, when I heard them home come into the village I felt relax they were . Safe, but I was worry for the city still, I was making tea on top of the fireplace. When the tea started to whistles, when I carefully pick it up with a cloth than sit down. For it cool, when I heard Cesar horse I ran to the window. I saw him tying the horse near a tree and grab his saddle bag and he came in.

I smiled than he drop his bag, on the sofa and quickly hug me . I felt his embrace like we haven't seen each other for weeks but it was only a day or less . I felt his warm but soft fur before he started to pull away, I smiled. " tell me what's happening ...I been worry since you left" I placed my hands on Cesar's hand's. he nodded

" building " he spoke , that explain the gray smoke we all could see . From the village, " people...are...ill...dyeing " he explain, that was terrible you thought " illness ...drug" i had flashback when I saw that empty can Cesar told me to throw away.

ALZ-113 it readied on the side of the metal cans, it was affect the humans. Meaning it could kill me, all I kept thinking was poor other humans. Not thinking of myself, I sat down on the sofa and I saw Cesar open his small brown saddle bag up. He pull out a small sliver needle and hand it to me and it readied cure to simian flu . " will...gave" he explain to me, this was the cure for the simian flu . I nodded while looking and studying the strange needle , " can you help me ?" he nodded .

Yes than he lead me to the bedroom where he had told me what will told him. About the needle and it's side effect, I wanted it still, all I want to be with Cesar as long. I can, I nodded than he injected me with the needle into my veins I felt the cool chemical . Going through my veins and my body, after. He put the needle on the nightstand. While I started to feel tried like I work all day but I didn't tried . I felt Cesar help me into bed under the furry sheets and blankets we had on the bed. Then I felt Cesar kiss my forehead before I black out into the darkness.

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