Of Being Marked

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Plus we landed on Werewolf #261.

Thank you everyone for making it possible!

I know its not that much compared to other books but still I'm so happy!

Love <3

So here's the next chapter.

Back on Darlene's POV


Everything felt wrong. Everything.

My head felt like a thousand pins got stuck on it. My heart is racing so fast like I've ran in a cross-country marathon. My throat was dry and I can't find my voice to speak. I felt numb all over my bruised covered body.

I could barely imagine how I looked. My hair was a total mess.Like some vultures decided to nest on it. My eyes were swollen and my eye bags were as dark as it can be. My lips were dry and chapped. I wasn't a pretty sight.

I've been like this for two days. Two freaking days. It all started when that Stupid Spencer bit me. Imagine? He bit me like a mad dog! And I'm sure I've got the rabies.

Oh, poor old me. I would die a very unlucky girl. Not able to see the bright future ahead. Oh, cruel heavens. What have I done to bring me such fate? Do you hold grudge against me? I sighed.

Who would know that a person could also have cause a rabies? All I know were dogs and cats, and now include the Stupid Spencer. His new name would stuck for awhile. That Stupid Spencer did not even bother to bring me to the hospital! He's utterly unbelievable!

Good thingh, I've been feeling a little bit better now. Aside from the dizziness and constant aching on my body. Stupid Spencer has always been by my side. He won't leave me. If he ever did, he would be right back in just a few minutes or even a few seconds! That weird dude.

Right now, he's seated on a black mini couch just a few feet away from me. He looked like he's been through hell. Just like me, his eyes were puffy and dark eye bags were under them. His hair wasn't as groomed as mine. If I were in a better situation, I would have teased him "zombie" but seeing my own state, I'd rather keep my mouth shut.

He'd been trying to talk to me. He would tell me sweet nothings then woukd suddenly threaten me but still, I didn't talk to him. I just closed my mouth determined not to utter atleast a single word. I would'nt even look him in the eyes.

Seeing that his efforts are put to waste, he would constantly sigh then look at me with the pity-me eyes. I'm sure it's working but I scold myself whenever I want to give in and talk to him.

Sometimes, I even feel weirds sensations or even think weird ideas which totally pisses me off. Like for one, I was literally imagining how his lips would press on my lips! That is actually crazy and very interesting.

Oh boy, there you go again Darlene.

Stupid Spencer came near me and sat beside me in the bed. She held my hand near his heart where I can feel his heartbeat.

"I know you are angry. I understand but please don't ignore me like this" he said in a soft voice rubbing his hand on mine. But I didn't dare talk nor see him. I have to act this way or else I'll end up forgetting what he did.

"Baby, please don't be like that. You know I can't stand it" he murmured giving my hands little kisses which gives me the sweetest tingles ever. I shook my head as I grabbed my hand away.

"Mine!" Stupid Spencer snapped. I was stunned to see him shake terribly. His eyes were piercing through me. It was terrifying. He stormed out of the room with a loud bang on the door.

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