Part two

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My hands gripped on the each side of the sink as I stared lifelessly into the mirror. My eyes were red, my hair was a mess and my arms winced in pain.

I turned the cold tap on and let my wrists run under it. The dark red blood eventually faded away and down the tap.

As I picked up my long sleeve black jacket, and slid it over my arms, zipping it up, I heard my front door open, and then shut.

My heart rate increase as immediately thought it could have been Ethan. I picked up the small blade for self defence after I turned the tap off then left the bathroom.

My head peeked around the bottom corner of the stairs case and peered into the kitchen. The lights where on.

Slowly, I tiptoed into the kitchen.

"Maddison! Hey"

I flinched as I turned around to see Grayson rummaging through my fridge.

"OMG Gray, you almost gave me a fucking heart attack" I said as I place the small blade down on the marble island.

"Oops my bad" he laughed "even if i was an intruder, what would you have done with a razor blade" he questioned

"Wait why do you have a razor blade" the tone in his voice changed completely. As his eyes focused sternly on mine

"Oh, um, I- self defence. The real question is, what are you doing in my house" I quickly changed the subject, hoping he would notice. Thankfully, I don't think he did.

"Oh, well, Ethan and Ruby are upstairs having sex. Plus they are both drunk, so I decided to come here" he laughed

"Ohhh Ok" I said "do you wanna watch a movie or something, I kinda want to watch a horror film"

"Yeah sure, you go set it up, I'll do the popcorn and drinks." He said.

While Maddison was in the living room setting up the film, I pulled out a bag of popcorn kernels and put it in the microwave before going to the fridge to grab some water.

"What film do you want to watch gray?" I heard her call from the other room

"Uh, what about insidious?" I responded

"Ok!" She said.

Once the popcorn was finished popping, I grabbed the hot bag out of the microwave, causing it to burn my hand. In a panic I threw the bag into the marble in the island next to the icy cold bottles of water. "Shit" I mumbled as I grabbed onto the bottle to cool down my hand.

As I was doing this, I saw something shiny from the corner of my eye. The blade. I picked it up and held it up to the light 'why on earth would she bring down this for self defence' i thought

That's when I realised, the small metal blade had some blood on it. Blood... she probably just pricked her finger by accident...right?

"Come on!" She shouted, blocking me out of my thought.

Quickly, I tipped the, now cooled down, popcorn into a bowl, grabbed the water and went to sit down with her.

Maddison's P.O.V

After the movie:

"Man that was scary" I sighed as I turned to look at him.

"Yeah" He said, pretty quietly, he was already looking at me "Can you pass me the popcorn please, it's really good.". He just continued to stair at the TV, looking as if he was about to fall asleep.

Something wasn't right. He didn't make eye contact with me at all. His eyes showed no emotion. I stretched my arm over my body and grabbed the popcorn bowl then leaned over to pass it to him. But instead of grabbing the bowl he grabbed my wrists causing me to drop the glass bowl. It's shattered on the floor.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. I could hear my heart beat pumping in my ears. Shit.

His and move down to mine and held on tight before pulling my sleeves up to reveal the 2 small fresh cuts that had obviously bled more since I washed them under the water.

My eyes began to water as I flinched in pain. I snatched my arm out of his grip and yanked my sleeve back down as he stood up and put his hand behind his head.

"Maddison. why?! I thought we agreed that you didn't need to do this to yourself" he paced around the room while a few tears rolled down his face

"im sorry." I whimpered "i just hurt so bad." I say as I wipe techs tears from my cheeks.

"Do you not remember what happened last time, when Charlie and I had to rush you to hospital?!" He raised his voice. Referring to when they found me unresponsive in my parents room. "Why did you do this?" He asked

"Because Grayson. Because of your brother and his slutty girlfriend. Because he absolutely hates me and feels the need to hurt me. Because she had the confidence to slap me. Because sometimes I over think things about my dad and how I should be the one dead. Because I'm so fucking imperfect and the only people that really give a fuck about me is you, and my other 'friends'. Because my life sucks. Its not the first time this has ever happened. So don't worry about me." I snapped, rambling on as I try to get my point across.

His eyes turned a dark shade of black, full of anger. "What did Ethan do?" He asked in a very low stern voice, looking away from me, at the wall

"Gray, don't wor-"

"What did he do!" He cut me off as he slammed his and against my wall, still sounding very stern.

I unzipped the top half of my jackets, So I could pull it over my shoulders, making sure I didn't pull it down to far as I didn't have anything under.

I showed him the swelling bruise that was forming due to Ethans grip. Grayson's jaw dropped as he reached out and too gently touch it. I quickly pulled the jacket back over me.

"I swear to got I will fucking rip his head of!" I shouted, clearly vey annoyed.

"NO! Don't!" I shouted "if you tell him I told you he will come back and hurt me twice as bad!" I brought my knees up to my chin and sat in a foetal position.

I never like seeing Grayson when his mad, it reminds me of Ethan. I know grey will go tell Charlie and Amelie and possibly Katya.

That's us, our little group, Me, Gray,Charlie,Katya,Amelie. Some dude called James and Ethan was once in the gang, and so was Ruby. Years ago. Middle school in fact. We were all unstoppable, best friends, until my dad died, and I had to live with the twins. I thought that would make us ALL closer, until Ethan started to absolutely hate me. Although, Gray and I did get closer. Ruby took advantage of the fact Ethan didn't like me, and began to date him in sophomore year. But they never stayed together. Ruby turned into a slut and cheated on him 24/7, and Ethan would get super drunk at party's and do things he regrets (according to gray). I never really go to party's because I don't fit in. And I'm scared of meeting super drunk Ethan.

"Please just go home, and don't worry about me" I said with no expression in my voice. Tears still rolled down my face.

"No, Mads. I'm not just going to leave you here on this situation."

"Leave. Now!" I shouted as I sobbed into my knees "please" I then whimpered.

He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes before grabbing his coat and walking out the door.

10 O'clock pm

Once I had finished cleaning up the smashed glass and popcorn, I got up to lock my front doors,turn the lights off and then i walked upstairs to my room. I changed into a pair of black spandex and a oversized white top before going into my bathroom to brush my teeth.
I then tied my hair up into a messy bun.

As I was sitting at my bed, I look across at the window that faced Grayson's room (opposite my bed). He was sat at the desk at his window, with his head in his hands. His eyes were red and puffy. I crawled into my bed and turned my bedside table lamp.

I think I may have just lost one of my best friends.

Word count: 1424
Updated on: 24th March 2018

A/N: WOW. These first two chapters have been really deep. But I promise the whole book won't be this deep trust me❤️

You're mine|Ethan DolanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora