Part fortyfive

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(Ethan's p.o.v)
One week later::Friday

"We're going to a fucking festival." Amelia said as she placed her tray of food down beside me. Emily followed behind and sat opposite me. I sit there with my arms crossed over my chest, watching as all my friends sit and eat the shitty cafeteria food. I, on the other hand just got snacks from the vending machine. Everyone was eating except for Maddison. She seemed pretty zoned out and tired.

"A festival? Why?" Grayson asked as he ate, looking up at Amelia.

"Well. We are all normal teenagers going day by day in this shithole. So let's all go and have some fun for once!" She said, shaking her shoulders playfully before beginning to eat the schools greasy pizza.

"Fuck yeah! I'm in!" Katya bursts out.

"I mean...I'm down I guess." Nate shrugged. Nate was recovering well, He has one crutch in order to help him stand up straight. I desperately want to beat the shit out of James, but the others won't allow me to.

"Really? You've gotta be careful." Charlie said.

"I'll be fine." Nate's eyes rolled.

"I kinda wanna go." I speak up, taking a bite of my candy bar "Amelia has a point. Let's just go and have fun for once in our lives. It will be good for us to go out all together for once." I say before bringing the straw of my chocolate milk to my lips.

"I agree." Emily said. "You guys have been nothing but nice to me since I joined this school, and I really like hanging out with y'all, so I definitely won't mind putting in money to go." She said, her eyes hardly traveled off of Me and Maddison, who was sitting on my right.

"What about you Chaz? You down?" Amelia asked. And he nodded his head because he has a mouth full of food. "Maddison?" She questioned looking at her.

Maddison didn't say anything, she just sat there, here eyes starring at the centre of the circular table. I wave my hand in front of her face and call her name. "Earth to Maddie?" I say. Her eyes look up quickly, up at me.

"Sorry. I-uh zoned out." She huffed, forcing a smile as she looked back up at everyone on the table.

"The festival? Are you coming?" Amelia asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"If I have to." She said jokingly, a smile forming on her lips. "Wait. Where is it?" She asked, twisting the cap off her water bottle, taking a small sip.

"Uhhhh." Amelia hesitated for a moment, "California." She said quietly.

"California?!" Grayson gasped, almost choking on his food. "That's literally on the other side of the country."

The volume around the table built up as everyone argued about weather they would be able to make it or not. While they were fighting about how far away California was, I noticed that Maddison wasn't saying anything.

I lean close to her and whisper, "are you okay?". She looks up for a moment, before looking at me and nodding her head. "Why aren't you eating?" I ask, noticing that she literally only had a bottle of water in front of her.

"I'm not hungry." She tells me, shrugging her shoulders.

The noise of everyone arguing died down a little bit and Amelia spoke up. "Guys! The festival takes place over three nights. Starting tonight. If everyone is still down to go, we could miss the one that's tonight, and fly over there."

"I still wanna go." Katya shrugs. "Like I know it sound stupid to be spending out money on plane rides and hotels and festival shit, but I think it will be fun."

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