Part four

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Amelia's p.o.v

Something is not right with Grayson. Ever since he sat down at this table, he has been acting really weird; first he mumbled something about Maddison, then he asks to speak with her alone, and then he comes back without her, and refuses to tell us what happened.

We were sitting there in silence for, what felt like, 10 minuets, just looking at Grayson as he slowly ate.

"Grayson...are you just gonna sit here, or are you going to tell us what you did?!" Charlie asked as he looked Gray dead in the eyes.

"I just made her upset. Ok?!" He snapped.

He's hiding something. I've known him for a long time now, and I know when he is lying.

"So what your telling us is 'you did absolutely nothing and she just got upset'. Hmm?!" Katya said, sounding a bit more angry than Charlie

Grayson said nothing. He just rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair.

"I'll go find her myself then!" I said as I grabbed my back and stormed out of the cafeteria.

Maddison's p.o.v

I was sat on one of the raise seats that surrounded the outside football field, just writing my lyrics for music; for some reason our teacher wanted to write a song that expresses ourselves for our final exam, but I'm not gonna complain...I love music. I proceeded to sing my song to myself as I carefully watched to see if anyone was near by. I wouldn't say I could 100% sing really well...but it's not like I'm fucking tone deaf.

Just as I was packing up my founder and loose sheets of scrap lyrics, I looked up to see a football spiralling towards me. My first thought was to duck. So I did, even though the ball wasn't really that close to me.

I turned around and picked up the oddly shaped ball, but as I turned back around, my eyes were met by a tall brown haired boy who was wearing a football kit. His eyes were a dark shade of brown, so dark it felt like I could get lost in them. I'm pretty sure I recognised him from somewhere.

"Omg I'm so sorry" he said as he finally reached the level I was on "We're doing football tryouts, some kid clearly has a strong kick, but no sense of aim" He laughed

"Ah ok. Don't worry about it" I laughed, but then immediately stoped after feeling so insecure about the way my laugh sounded and the way my teeth looked. "Here's you ball back."

I reached out and handed him the ball, and he took out of his hand. Just as he turned around, he stopped in his tracks. 'Shit' I thought 'what did I do?'

"Your Maddison, right?" He assumed "We have music together. 1st period on a Wednesday." he smiled

"Oh, I didn't know you where in my class" I said feeling a bit rude.

"Your probably wouldn't have noticed me, I sit at the back with some kid called Ethan" he said. Ethan....even his name makes me shiver out of fear. "But anyway, I'm Nate,"

"Oh, ok, well...nice to meet you Nate." I said "I sit near to the front, I'll definitely try look out for you next time" I pulled my bag over my shoulder.

"You have a really good singing voice by the way!" he said. My cheeks immediately flushed a shade of light red.

"You heard me singing?" I questioned, confused as to when her heard me.

"Yeah, the boys locker room is right underneath you, and this metal floor is pretty hollow." He said

"Wait...are you saying the whole team heard me???" I panicked....singing is yet another thing I'm insecure about, when i lived with the twins, I used to sing all the time while I played on their parents grand piano...but Ethan (being the dickhead his is) would always tell me that I sounded like I was dying. And if I didn't stop, he would threaten me.

"No, don't worry, I was late to practice and I was the only one in there" he said "are you doing your music exam? That 'express yourself' song thing?" He asked

"Yeah. But I'm not too sure that I like it" I said

"No! It's really good!" He assured me "I was wondering if I could take you out for lunch sometime...maybe you could help me out with mine." he said shyly.

I couldn't tell if he was flirting, or if he was being genuine. But me being the manipulated person I am, agreed.

"Yeah sure!" I said smiling. I handed him my phone and he typed down his number.

"Call me when you free" he said "I best get back to practice" he said as he jogged back down the stairs.

3:40 pm- the end of school

I quickly jumped in my car after school, not even waiting for Amelia or Grayson, I pretty much ignored anyone and everyone all day. As I pulled out of the school parking lot, my eyes caught on to Nates, he was standing at the gate with a small group of his friends, wearing glasses. 'I didn't know he wore glasses' that might of been one of the reasons why I didn't recognise him earlier.

I pushed down on my horn really quickly making a loud noise. I watched as he flinched and turned round looking a bit angry. He looked into my car window (I'm guessing he was trying to figure out who it was).

His anger relaxed into a smile and he jogged over to the car while running his hand through his hair. He knocked on my window, gesturing for me to roll it down. So I did.

"Maddison! You almost gave me a heart attack!" He laughed as he bend down and leaned through the car door window.

"Oops?" I laughed "nice glasses nerd!"

"Hey! It's not my fault I have to wear them" he said

"I know" I replied

"Don't forget to text me" he jokingly winked and he backed away from the window as I closed it. I saw him go back to his friends. They all kind of praised him as if he had accomplished something. I couldn't really tell if he was a fuckboy. But whatever it was...I didn't mind it, he is (In a way) flirting with me, and it making me feel a bit confident.

3:54- arriving home

I pulled up at my drive way and got out of my car. I unlocked my door and walked in, shutting (and locking) the door behind me.

I threw bag on the floor in the doorway and slowly walked upstairs to my room and lazily sat down on my bed as I scrolled through my phone.

As I starred at my my phone lifelessly, I noticed something white moving in front of me. Quickly, I looked up and saw that my bedroom window was wide open (the one opposite Grayson's room). The bright sunlight was shining through, reflecting off my mirror and created small rainbows in my room.

I put my phone down on my bed then got up and pulled it down to close it before shutting the white curtain. My heart pounded in fear that someone had broken in.

But I was wrong. Just as I turned around, I saw someone standing in my door frame....

"So you wanna play that game? Huh?" They said

Word count: 1277
Update on: 28th March 2018

A/N: hahahah cliff might be obvious who it is tho... oh well.

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