Part Eight

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Maddison's p.o.v

I walked downstairs, grabbed apple from my fridge and my keys of my kitchen counter.

As I began to walk to my door, I could hear a phone ringing, so I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

But it wasn't my phone that was ringing. I looked around my living room to see a phone laid face down on my coffee table,

I walked over and picked it up. And judging by the lock screen, It was Ethan's. I pressed the home button and the screen lit up. There was about 20 messages from ruby and 4 missed calls.

I walked back to my front door and opened it, locking it behind me. I crossed the lawn and walked over to the twins house to return Ethan's phone.

I knocked on the door and waited for a couple of seconds. But there was no answer. So I knocked again.

"Chill I'm coming!" I heard someone yell from the other side of the door.

It wasn't long until Ethan opened to door. He was only wearing a pair of grey jogging bottoms and his hair was messy. My heart dropped.

"Maddison..." He said "Look...about last night I-"

"I'm just here to give you your phone back. I don't want to talk about last night." I said, cutting him off. To be honest, I was still kinda scared of him...even though he was nice to me. "I think your girlfriend might kill you..."

A smile grew on his face as he reached out and took his phone. "Shit" he mumbled while laughing a little.

I couldn't help to notice that he didn't have anything wrapped around his hand.

"Uh, hows your hand?" I asked quietly

"Oh um, it's fine, nothing too bad." he told me as he examined his hand. "Just a few cuts."

He hurt himself...for my safety. What the fuck?

Ethan's p.o.v

I looked down at my phone, and then up and Maddison. I could almost see the fear in her eyes.

"Hey, can we please talk about what happened?" I asked her "please?"

"I uh...I was about to go to school. Are you not going?" She asked me

"No. I think I'm just gonna stay here today." I said

It stayed quiet for a couple of seconds. She didn't make any eye contact with me.

"Ethan? Who's at the door?!" I heard Grayson yell as he came walking down the stairs. "Oh hey Maddison!" He said, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Hi." She said quietly

"Do you need a ride to school?" He asked as he grabbed his keys.

"No. I think I'm just gonna stay home. And talk to Ethan..." She said before looking up at me

Grayson's facial expression changed completely, he look very confused

"Are you sure?" He asked, Maddison nodded "Alright! Call me if you need me." He said as walked out the door with a grin on his face.

I moved to the side, gesturing for her to come inside.

"I'm just going to go and get a top on." I said as I shut the door behind us. Maddison walked into the living room as I jogged up stairs.

Not long after I got into my room, my phone began ringing in my hand. I looked down to see that ruby was calling me.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

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