Part 40

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(Maddison's p.o.v.)

My thumb pressed on his contact number multiple times, desperately attempting to reach out and call Grayson. But he didn't answer. Neither did Ethan, his went straight to voicemail, causing my heart to shudder. "Pick up. pick up. pick up." I whisper quickly as I hold my phone to my ear. I had been trying to call them for at least 10 minutes and was beginning to grow impatient.

"Hey, it's Grayson. Sorry I can't pick up the phone right now. Have a nice day. . . Or night-" The phone said, ending with a long, high pitched beep. I groan out of frustration as I slam the phone back down on the table. I new they weren't home yet because I didn't hear or see my car pull up outside, and I also had no way of getting down to the hospital because I gave Grayson the keys to my car so they could drive home.

Just as I started to loose hope in reaching out to them any time soon, I heard the screeching of tires pull up at the twins front yard, followed by the loud sound of a single car door slam shut.

I shove my phone into my pocket and immediately head for the door, opening it. I gust of cold air blew against my skin as I pulled my door open, causing small goosebumps to dot against my bare arms. I walk directly across the grass and towards their house, knocking quickly as I get the their front door while looking at my car that was parked diagonally across the twins front lawn.

I was stood their for a short amount of time, my hands rubbing against my arms in order to keep me warm, as my teeth chewed on my bottom lip. Eventually the door opened, revealing Ethan. "Woohoo! You here to join the fucking party too? Come on in! It's all fun and games in this house!" He slurred, rolling his eyes. His body swayed back and forth and gripped in his hand was a bottle of some sort of whiskey. "Come on in!! Honestly I insist, I'm having a amazing time!" He said, smiling through the tears that dripped against his cheeks. His eyes were red and bloodshot, dark bags appearing below them.

"Ethan are you drunk?" I ask slowly as I walk into the house, shutting the door behind me. He spun around to face me, almost falling over as he stumbled towards me with his arms out.

"Me? Drunk? Pshh never!" He said, his hand held onto the side of my arm to support himself. I could literally smell the alcohol coming from his breath, plus he had an almost empty bottle in his free hand.

"Where's Grayson?" I asked sternly as I pretty much dragged his body into their kitchen.

"Still at the hospital." He hiccuped, taking another swig from his drink before making a strange face due to the flavour and strength of the substance he was drinking.

"So, you drove home alone?" I question. He nodded, continuing to drink the alcohol. "Ethan! You drove my car home? Do you know how much damage you could have caused? And do you understand how fucking dangerous that could have been for you, considering the fact that you're drunk?!" I practically yell at him. He doesn't say anything at first because his lips were still wrapped around the neck of the bottle. I snatch the bottle away from him and place it on the counter behind me. He finishes the mouthful of alcohol before talking.

"Who fucking cares?!" He voice brakes as he objects stretching his arms out, somewhat smiling as if he didn't care. "We all fucking die at some point in life! Just like your dad did! And just like my dad will." He said pointing to my chest.

"You don't mean that Ethan." I say, looking down at my hands.

"I do! I seriously fucking do!" He huffs. "So, we should just live our shitty lives to the fullest extent." He told me as he moved closer to my body. He places his hands on my waist and tugs my body closer to his before pushing my hair to the side. "Come on. Why don't we have a little bit of fun." He whispered into my ear. His lips were practically on my hear, causing his hot breath to send a shiver down my spine. He then attached his his plump lips the sensitive patch of skin below my ear, kissing my neck softly. I find myself tilting my head to the side, allowing him to have more access to space bellow my jaw, before realising what was actually happening.

"No," I say, pushing him off of me slightly. I knew that if I let it continue for any longer I would do something I would regret. "You don't want this E, your very drunk-"

"No,no,no....I do want it. I want this so fucking much." He tells me. His hands slip under the thin fabric covering my stomach and his cold fingers trace around the skin on my back, he kissed my lips, holding onto my waist. But then he started to kiss me a little bit harder, making me feel slightly uncomfortable as his lips pushed against my jaw and neck.

"Ethan Stop." I say, attempting to push him off of me, but he only gripped on harder. His fingertips tightly dig into my skin as he pushes me back against the counter top making my lower back make a loud sound as it hit the edge of the marble. I wince in pain, forcefully pushing him off of me.

"What's that matter baby? Come on I want this." He grunts, continuing to attempt to kiss me. His grip grew a lot tighter as he harshly pushes me against the counter top again, causing my eyes to water.

"Ethan you're fucking hurting me." I cry out, pushing him completely off of me. He stumbles back and uses the table behind him as support.

"I'm gonna vomit." He announces, looking me dead in the eyes, completely ignoring the fact that he was hurting me. He rushes over to the faucet and throws up the large amount of alcohol within his stomach. I rush to the refrigerator and grab him a bottle of cold water. I hand it to him, trying to ignore the fact that he just forced himself on me, aswell as ignoring the harsh pain pulsing in my lower back.

He twisted the cap of the bottle at took a large mouthful of the water, swishing it around in his cheeks before spitting it back down the drain. He then reached over and grabbed the whiskey bottle, the glass making a loud noise as it scraped against the counter top, but before he could even open the bottle, i took it off him.

"Hey!" He whined as I twisted the lid off. I started at him for a moment, with a serious look on my face, before tipping the alcohol down the drain. "Maddison! I paid 20 bucks for that bottle!" He said, attempting to stop me, but I continued to tip the drink away.

"Oh yeah? With what money, the two $10 dollar bills in my car?" I say, knowing he didn't just pull money out of his ass.

"Maybe. . ." He says, smiling slightly as sits down on a stool. He paused for a moment, looking up at me and then down at his hands. All of a sudden his mood completely switched, his eyes looked up and to something behind me before he spoke. "He-uh. He's in a coma." He mumbled. My heart dropped as I looked at him, my mood dropping from angry to upset. I turn to see a photograph of their parents together, they were young and having fun. Both of them had cocktail glasses in the hands as they posed in front of a crowded beach. I look back at him, a frown forming on my face.

"Ethan, I'm so sorry." I say, crouching down beside him so I could clearly see his face.

"And I know....I know he's gonna fucking die." He admitted, making eye contact with me. I shake my head out of disappointment.

"Don't say that." I say.

"Don't say what? The fucking truth?! He gonna die and there's nothing I can do about it." He's voice cracks as a tear drops down his cheeks.

"Don't blame this on yourself. Okay? It's not your fault." I tell him and he nods.
Word count: 1446
Updated on: 17th March 2019
A/N: I'm sorry it's so short

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