Part nine

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One week later

Ethan's p.o.v

Amelia invited me to go on some camping trip with their little gang, The little gang that Maddison is in.

You have no clue how much I want to change for that girl. I hate that she sees me as a monster. And I know that it is my fault.

But I just can't wrap my head around why I care.

Maddison's p.o.v

I hauled my bad into the back of Amelia's truck, as well as helping Katya get hers on.

"I call shotgun!" I yelled as I jumped in the front seat next to Amelia (who was driving).

"Hey! No fair!" Katya crossed her arms over her chest and pouted like a little kid.

"Oh I see how it is, you don't want to sit next to me." Charlie joked as he patted the seat next to him.

Charlie and Katya sat in the back two seats and Grayson & Ethan sat on the back of the truck where the bags were.

Amelia's car:

(Amelia's is white)

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(Amelia's is white).

Ethan and Grayson sat in the open back with our bags, since there was no other seats (we had our drink cooler on the middle seat.)

Once we were all settled in the car, we began to drive off. Great, a lovely trip away. Far away from all my problems. Except from one....Ethan. The biggest problem of all was coming with me.

I stared lifelessly out of the window in-front of me, with the sound of music blaring in my ears ; due to Amelia's loud Speakers. Just as my thoughts began running free, Amelia's hand began waving in my face.

"Earth to Maddison??" She laughed, trying to keep her eyes on the road. I jumped out of my gaze.

"Shit, my bad." I said "I was daydreaming."

"We were just wondering if you we OK with going on this trip-" Katya said

"Yeah!" I said, maybe a bit too quickly.

"No seriously. Like girl talk serious..." Amelia said as she glanced over to me.

"Yah! Like seriously like girl talk!!" Charlie said as he imitated a girly voice.

"Honestly, I'm fine." I lied.

If i got a dollar for every time I've lied to someone, I'd probably be rich.

We were currently driving down a country lane, surrounded by cornfields and wild life. It reminded me of where my grand parents lived, like a lot.

You're mine|Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now