Part thirty seven

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(Nobodies/ third person p.o.v)

"Thank you so much for tonight." Maddison says, looking over at Ethan as he pulls up into her drive way. Maddison unbuckles her seat belt and turns to face him fully. "I had a lot of fun."

"I did too. It was like reliving a childhood memory." Ethan smiles as he takes of his belt. His hands, the were once gripped around his steering wheel, dropped to his lap. "But a lot better." He said, looking over at her vibrant blue eyes. His eyes flicker down to her cherry lip balm that covered lips.

Their night went well. Full of laughing and joking. Even though Maddison tried her hardest to to pay for her pizza, Ethan pushed her money away and insisted on paying. The drive back from the diner was filled with playful dancing and talking, aswell as Ethan sneakily listening to Maddison singing.

Maddison found herself looking down at his lips after noticing that Ethan was looking at hers. Maddison places her hand on the side of Ethan's sharp jaw, both of their heads leaning towards each other. Ethan closed the space between them, his lips pushing agains Maddison's first. She immediately kissed back, knowing that she had wanted to kiss him ever since the last time they had kissed.

The kiss progressed quickly, their tongues fighting for dominance within between their lips, Ethan winning. They kissed at a slow, yet passionate pace. Maddison found her self lifting up off her seat as she slowly climbed over onto Ethan's lap. Her legs straddled his lower body as he slipped his hands into the back of the jersey she was wearing, running his fingertips through the crevasses of her back. This made her shiver, his cold fingertips making her back arch slightly.

"Maddison." Ethan hums into her lips, grunting slightly as he deepened the kiss. There heads move together in sync as Maddison's hand tangle into Ethan's long hair, the other hand draping over his shoulder. As much as both of them wanted to continue, they knew shouldn't, especially not in his car.

Ethan pulled away slowly, his teeth catching on to Maddison's bottom lip as he pulled on it seductively, making her lip pop back into place when he let go. Their foreheads press together as the both breath heavily, looking down slightly. A smile forms on their lips as the laugh slightly. Maddison pushes her lips on his again, giving him one last kiss before pulling away. She places her hands on his shoulders and smiles, looking into his chocolate button eyes. Ethan ignored the excitable feeling he was given by the kiss.

"You're so beautiful." Ethan says, admiring her beauty. His eyes roam her body, the body that is still straddling his highly exited lower half. Adrenaline still pumped through his body, his teeth biting down on his lips as he looked at her.

"Don't say that." Maddison says, her cheeks flushing a light shade of pink. Ethan shakes his head and places his hands around her waist, his fingers just lingering above the waist band of her jeans while his thumbs googled into them slightly.

"No, Maddison. I will say that, because it's true. It's so fucking true. I mean, just look at you! You could make any guy weak to his knees just by looking at him. You are so undeniably beautiful." He admits. Pulling her face towards him. Ethan kisses her again, except this time it was a lot shorter.

"Thank you." Maddison smiles as they pull away. The car went silent for a moment, and they just sat their looking at each other. "We should probably go to Charlies house, since it's only 9." She says, slowly removing herself from his body and sitting back down in the leather car seat. Ethan smiles and nods before quickly readjusting the 'issue' he had going on down there.

(Ethan's p.o.v.)

Maddison knocks on the door three times with her left hand, the other hand was interlocked with mine. Small puffs of condensation escape my mouth due to the cold weather during autumn.

You're mine|Ethan DolanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora