Part fortythree

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(Ethan's p.o.v.)

"Ethan!" A voice echos through the house after the front door swings open.I jump slightly at the sudden noise. Grayson was home. And Maddison was still here, sleeping on the bed of pillows within the fort.

Her body was cuddled into my side, the movie still playing as she slept.
"E?!" He yells again. Her body moves slightly at the sudden sound, so I take it as a chance to get up. I slowly roll away, being careful not to wake her as I crawl out of the fort. I get up quickly and head to the door.

Just as I was about to place my hand on the door handle, it opened, and Grayson went to step into the room. I push him back the other way, closing the door behind me quietly. "We need to talk." He said stubbornly, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Shh. Lower your voice." I tell him, trying the move him away from the room Maddison was still in.

"Why?" He said, still in a loud tone.

"Because Maddison's asleep in there." I say through gritted teeth, nodding my head towards the living room before trying to push him back the other way

"Maddison's in there?" He said, not moving.

"Yes." I huff


"It's a long story that I don't want to get in to." I tell him. "Either way, you seem to have something more important to tell me." I fold my arms across my chest as we walk towards the kitchen.

"Yeah. You need to fucking talk to James and his gang." He said seriously "It's getting ridiculous now."

"Why? James and I aren't particularly on good terms right now." I tell him, even though he already knew. "And all his other friends are on the lacrosse team, I hardly know them."

"I don't care! I really don't give a fuck Ethan." He was getting angry at me.

"Why are you yelling?" I snap back. "What the fuck got you in such a bad mood?!" I ask. He turns around, running his hands through his hair as he huffs out of frustration. As his back was facing towards me, I noticed that he too had blood on the bottom of his shirt. "What's this?" I ask him, tugging on the fabric near the corner of his shirt. "You better tell me wats going on. First Maddison has blood on her shirt, and now you?"

He ignored me, his face still looking away. "Grayson?!" I raised my voice.

"James fucking stabbed Nate." He spilled. It took me a moment for the words to sink in, making me shocked.

"What?" I say slowly, still trying to process what he said. My eyebrows furrows as I place me hands on my hips. "Nate?" I repeat, wanting to be sure I was hearing correctly.

"Yes." He said bluntly.

"As in Foster?" I ask, wanting to be sure.

"Yes! As in Nathaniel Foster! James stabbed him. Here." He said loudly, pointing towards his upper hip, just below his ribs.


"Because-" he stopped, lowering his voice slightly. "He was warning Nate."

"Warning? About what?" My mind bubbles with confusion at this whole situation.

"About Maddison." He said, pointing in the direction of the room Maddison was in. "He was warning him to back off of Maddison." He tells me.

"That crazy." Is all I could say due to the pure shock.

"You can't tell her tho!" He says quickly. My eyebrows furrow as I look at him. "She doesn't need to know that she's the reason why one of her friends was stabbed. Plus I think he's coming for you next."

You're mine|Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now