Part three

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Monday: Maddison's p.o.v

I was sat in my maths class, starring lifelessly at the clock waiting for it to turn 12:50. Lunch. Also one of my favourite times of the day.

"Homework please!" I hear my teacher, Mr Brown, say as he stood over my desk with his hand out.

I reached into my bag and pulled out the sheet of paper, shoving it in his hand.

"Thank you. " he said as he moved on to the next row of students.

I really spent the whole weekend thinking. I literally did nothing all weekend. I don't leave my house at all, to be honest, I didn't really leave my room.

My thoughts were interrupted but the deafening ringing of the bell. I shoved my book and folder into my bag, zipped it up, then left the class then headed straight for the bathroom. And locked my self in a stool.

As I walked out of the bathroom stool, I was 'so kindly' greeted by Ruby and her flock of bitches (and by bitches, I mean a small group of girls who follow ruby around and agree with anything and everything she says. Im pretty sure they get pressured into doing it).

"Ah, Maddison, hey" she laughed "could you please come stand in the mirror next to me for a couple seconds"

I rolled my eyes and did what she asked for me while gripping on the strap of my backpack.

"Y'see thing thing is, I wasn't feeling confident today, but after standing in comparison to you, I feel a lot better about myself, thanks Maddison" she said sarcastically, before walking out the bathroom with her 'gang'.

At first I felt a bit upset, then I realised 'she is just doing it to try to upset me'
After washing my hands, I walked out the bathroom, down the hall, and two my locker. I pulled out the books I needed for the next two lessons and put the books I have already used back in.

As I was shutting my locker I felt a large muscular hand grip onto my lower ass. "Looking good in those jeans Maddison"

My natural reflex was to turn round as back hand slap them across the face. 'That's definitely going to leave a mark' I thought.

I turned around to see that it was James. Ethan's best friend. Or who I call, Ethan's minion. He has also always had a thing against me, but more in a fuckboy kind of way. Like, if I don't obey him, or if I'm rude to him, he will snap like a twig.

"Damm bitch, I was just trying to compliment you" He said, while grinning and rubbing the cheek I slapped.

"If you going to fucking compliment me, say it, you do NOT need to touch me". My chest puffed up and down.

For some reason I got a sudden burst of confidence as I strutted away from him and into the cafeteria. I was just so glad I hadn't encountered Ethan yet. Wait, where is Ethan? He is usually with James or Ruby.

I walked over to our usual table and sat with Amelie,Katya,Charlie and Gray. Out table was in the corner of the cafeteria, not because we were unpopular nerds, it was just purely because our group doesn't enjoy associating with other groups.

"Hey guys!" I said as I sat myself in between Amelie and Charlie. I was opposite to Grayson and Katya.

"Hey, how are you Mads" Charlie asked as he finished chewing his sandwich.

"Actually, I feel really good" I kinda lied, part of me felt a bit down due to Ruby, but the other half was flooding with confidence after what I had done to James.

"Are you sure?" Grayson said "Because it wasn't like that at the weekend..." I heard Grayson mumble under his breath as he continued to eat his bag of chips. Clearly the others heard, because they all started looking between us both with a confused look on their faces.

"Huh?" Katya asked, clearly confused by Grayson's words.

"Nothing, don't worry." He said, still not making eye contact with any of us, "Maddison, can I speak to you, alone, please" He asked

"Uh, Yeah sure ok" I said as I got up out of the seat. And so did he. We walked silently out of the cafeteria and into the quiet hall. "What?" I asked

"Are you out of your mind?!" He asked, clearly very annoyed. He ran his hand through his hair.

"Wha-" I started. But he cut me off

"Back hand slapping James Mitchell?!" He asked "Just because Ethan isn't here today, doesn't me you should disrespect his best friend."

"Ok! First of all, what the fuck do you expect me to do when someone grabs my ass. Second of all, I didn't know Ethan wasn't here. And lastly, why isn't Ethan here?!" I snapped back as I walked towards him.

"I don't know why he's not here" he said as he looks down and clenched his jaw and tightened his fists into a ball.

"Oh dear god, no! What did you do!?" I asked again.

"Nothing." He said

"Grayson. Tell me what you did!" By now I was so mad. He was stood up against the locker and I was stood directly in front of him with my hands placed on my hips.

"I punched him across the face." He said "so Ethan refused to come in because he said 'the small bruise I left would make him seem weak" he said making direct eye contact with me. A part of me wanted to laugh at Ethan. But on the other hand, I was so mad at Grayson.

"Of for fucks sake!! I specifically told you not to tell him, Gray!" I shouted

"Was that before or after you kicked me out of your house?!" He question sarcastically. But I ignored him

"He's just going to get twice as mad at me!" I said as I turned away to hide the fear in my ears.

"There nothing I can do it about now Maddison" he said as he put a hand on my shoulder to turn me around. His words pissed me off so much.

"You shouldn't have told him in the first place" I said "I shouldn't have told YOU in the first place"

"Then why did you?!!" I asked as he raised his voice.

"Because when you got mad you looked so much like Ethan. And it scared me. So I felt like I had to tell you otherwise you would hurt me" i said as I turned to face him "And now he is going to be so much more mad and I'm scared of what he is going to do!" I sighed

"Look, I'm sorry" he said as he grabbed on to my arms.

"Don't fucking touch me." I hissed with fear in my voice.

I picked my bag off the floor and walked out the double doors and to the football pitch. After I walked up a few steps, I sat myself down in one of the raise stands/bleachers.

Graysons p.o.v

I've messed up. Like really bad this time. And I really don't know what to do. I shouldn't have told Ethan, but I can't bare to see him hurting her everyday.

I pulled my bag tight on my shoulder and walked back through the doors to the cafeteria to sit down. I dropped my bag on the floor and ran my hands through my hair.

"Where Maddison?" Katya asked

I knew someone was going to ask.

"Uh, i don't know, she got mad at me and walked away" I said, avoiding eye contact with them all.

What have I done!

Word count: 1408
Updated on: 25th March 2018

A/N: sooo....what do you all think???

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