part seventy-one

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IM SO SORRY ABOUT THE VERY LATE UPLOADDDDDD. i've been in writers block for a while and had no motivation. SO. make sure you recap the last upload so that you know what tf is going on :)

(Maddison's P.O.V)

I was woken up slightly earlier than usual to what i thought was the vibration of my Alarm. But it turned out to be a bunch of text messages appearing one after the other. I sat up slowly, knowing that Ethan was still sound asleep next to me, and he could remain sleeping for atleast another hour before he had to wake up.

My eyes squint as i look over at my phone, trying to determine who they were from. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, pushing my feet into my slippers as they touch the floor. I grab my phone and look down at the lock screen, Emily's name popped up. Multiple times.

I stand up quietly before walking out of my room with my phone gripped in my hands, closing the door behind me quietly so that i wouldn't wake Ethan. My eyes stay pinned to my phone screen as i walk down my stairs and into my kitchen.

Emily🙃: Hey maddison. I really need to talk to you
Emily🙃: I know it's early, sorry. I'm up at this time for yoga
Emily🙃: Anyway, that's not the point rn. The point is. We need to talk, at school. I know you may not like me but it's really important, and it's something that i don't think is best discussed over text.
Emily🙃: please let me know when you get this

I look down in complete confusion, not having a single clue as to what she could want to talk about. My fingers hover over the keypad, hesitating to text her back, but when i began typing, my hands moved fast.

Me: Hi, you're freaking me out, ahaha😅😂
Me: Of course we talk. How about a before school?

It took her a while to reply, so i made myself some coffee while i waited. I was worried about this whole situation, mainly because emily and i had never texted each other before, let alone talk about something 'important' together.

Emily🙃: Alright, cool. Meet me at the bleachers by the football field before first period?

Me: Okay 👌

Emily: ttyl hun💗

That was weird. I don't trust her. But i'm still gonna go at talk to her because it sounds like she has something actually important to talk about. Which is strange, considering it's Emily. I take a sip of my coffee and sit alone at my table, scrolling through social media in an attempt to distract my mind from Emily's text messages.

"Morning beautiful." I hear Ethan say as he walks up behind me. He wraps his hands around me from behind, kissing my neck softly. "I dreamt about you." He said, still holding onto me.

"Oh yeah?" I question. "What about" I smile, tuning my head to face him.

"Let's just say, it was a good dream." He says, kissing my lips this time as i giggle. I pull away, smiling and he unwraps his arms from me. "Any ways. I'm starving, do you have any cereal or anything." He says as he walks around the other side of the table towards the cabinets. He was shirtless, only wearing his boxers from last night.

"Yeah, there should be some up there." I say, pointing to the top cupboard. He grabs down a box of lucky charms as well as a bowl before wandering over to the refrigerator to grab the carton of milk.

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