Part fortyeight

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(Maddison's p.o.v)

"Jesus, how long does it take for girls to get ready?!" Nate shouts through the crack to the two doors between the rooms, which we shut so we could all get ready.

"I'm already ready!" I shout back, quickly jumping up from my seat. I had been ready for like an hour, so I just sat down with my phone while I waited. I quickly walk into my room and grab my perfume, spraying it all over my body in a rush.

"Well tell the others to hurry up!" He calls back, "We are all waiting."

"Okay, Okay!" I say before walking over to Amelia and Katyas room. I knock on the door quickly. "Hurry up guys, we don't wanna arrive really late." I tell them before walking over to Emily's door. I knock three times before calling out. "Times ticking. We are all gonna be late."

I walk into the kitchen while slipping my phone into the back pocket of my my high waisted jeans. I grab one of the apples from the mini fridge that were given to us by room service when we asked for water, before going back to my room to put on my white Air Force ones. I then walk back into the main room and towards to doors.

"Today would be ni..." His sentence trailed off as I opened the doors, causing him to stumble in the room slightly. The hands that where once flat against the door now gripped loosely on my shoulders. His eyes looked down and scanned my body slowly before he finished his sentence. "...nice. You look really nice, beautiful today i-in fact. Wow." He stuttered quickly , his cheeks burned red.

"Thanks?" I say in a questioning tone, looking down at his outfit.

"Oh! Not t-that you don't look beauti- uh, pretty every other day. It's just t-that-"

"I get it. Today I'm wearing nice clothes and makeup. So I look better." I laugh, saving him the embarrassment of saying the wrong words. I look back up at him and smile.

"Yeah." He said, finally taking his hands off my shoulders. I laugh slightly, lifting my hands up to straighten his glasses that had slipped sideways as a result of him stumbling into the room a minute ago.

"How's you stomach?" I say, referring to the stab wound that was healing.

"Uh, better I guess. I'm still gonna take the crutch, but for now I just wanna move around as much as possible without that support." He told me.

"That's good." I say. He was about to walk off but I quickly grabbed his arm.

"Wait, before I forget." I say rummaging through my small purse. "Here."

"What's this for?" He asked, attempting to decline the group of 20 dollar bill I was trying to hand him. His eyes squint out of confusion.

"It's for the plane ride. I couldn't get on that plane without paying." I say, forcing the money into his hand. "Keep it for this weekend, give it to your dad, I don't care." I shrug, taking a bite of my apple.

"Thank you, Bu-" before he could say anything else, Charlie bursts into the room.

"Wow mads. You look....decent." He joked playfully, looking me up and down with harsh eyes. I finish chewing before speaking.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I say, looking him up and down the same way he looked at me. "Wait, never mind, you do look bad. Awful in fact..." I say as I walk past him, punching his upper arm.

"Fair play Parker." He admits. I take one last bite of my of my apple before throwing the sour fruit on the counter top.

"Hey, where's Ethan by the way?" I ask, pulling myself up onto the kitchen counter.

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