You break up

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You and Niall have been dating for about a year now, and everything was going fine. Until tonight, that was. Niall was supposed to be coming over to your flat for dinner, but he arrives drunk off his rocker. Now, usually you don't mind him being drunk, but it's your 1 year anniversary and you had everything planned out perfectly. "HEY PRINCESS!" he yelled, walking into the kitchen where you were still cooking. "Hey Niall," you lean over to kiss him but stop,smelling alcohol very prevalent on his breath "Are you drunk?" "ARE YOU KIDDING? I'M GREAT!" he fell into a chair, pouring himself a glass of the wine you had out. "Niall, I don't think you should have any more. You're already drunk enough." you take the glass out of his hand, taking the bottle back to the refrigerator. "I'm not drunk!" he slurs, hiccuping slightly. "Niall. You are. Now, I'm going to get you a glass of water and then you're going to lay down on the couch and go to sleep." you say, shaking your head, getting angry at him. "I'm not drunk! (Y/N) stop acting like you know everything! So what if I was?" he yelled, his blue eyes darkening with anger. "Niall! It's our 1 year anniversary! Tonight was supposed to be perfect! My plans didn't involve you coming here DRUNK!" you yell, tears brimming in your eyes. "Perfect? Yeah, like you could do ANYTHING right! You can't even stand up to your friends, why should I take you seriously?!" his words cut deep at a wound that you carried around for a while. "I think you need to leave. Now." you say softly, tears streaming down your cheeks. "(Y/N). I'm sorry, I didn't-" his eyes fill with tears, but you walk to the door opening it, waiting for him to leave. "Does this mean it's over?" he asks, blushing when you nodded. "I'm sorry." you whisper as you close the door behind him.


"Harry? Where are you? You were supposed to be here, like 20 minutes ago. I hope everything is all right." you say to your boyfriend of 7 months voice mail. "I'm sorry for this.He should be here soon." you say to the waiter, for the 2nd time tonight and he nods his head giving you a pitiful look. Looking back at your phone, you decide to pull up twitter just to see what's going on. Scrolling through your feed, you see a tweet from Niall that says '@Harry styles How long does it take to change? I'm dying to get a pint.' After reading that, you gasp and tears prick the backs of your eyes. Suddenly, your phone starts ringing, and Harry's name pops up. "Hello?" you answer sweetly, trying not to let him hear you are crying. "Hey babe, I just wanted to tell you I'm going to have to cancel, something came up in the studio." he said sweetly, almost enough to make you forget. "If you didn't want to go on the date tonight, you could have just told me Haz." you say simply, and you hear him gasp. "(Y/N)! What would you say that for? I told you I was in the studio! We're having a meeting. I don't make the times I work, you know that well enough!" he whisper-yelled into the phone. "Yes, Harry. I do know that. But, what I also know is how to check twitter. And obviously Niall is 'dying to get a pint.' And you're taking too long to get changed. That doesn't sound too much like studio dialog to me." You raised your voice enough to make everyone in the restaurant look at you. "Babe, calm down." he said, raising his voice. "No Harry! No! This is the last time you will bail on me. You've done it 4 times in the last two weeks. All I ask is for time with you Harry, and you don't want to give it to me. If the boys are so much more important, why don't you date them? Because frankly, I'm not waiting around looking like a fool because of you anymore. Have a nice time being single." you say hanging up the phone, running out of the restaurant, tears streaming down your cheeks.


You're sitting on the couch at your flat watching Project Runway, when you get an urge to text Liam, whom you haven't heard from all day. You get your phone out and text him 'Hey Li! Haven’t heard from you all day, where are you? Hope you haven’t died on me! (: x' An hour later, you still haven't heard back from Liam, and you start getting worried. That's not like him, he usually always texts you back- No matter what he's doing. Suddenly, you hear a knock at the door and open it to see a very red faced and teary eyed Liam. "(Y/N)...we need to talk." he said, looking at everything BUT you. "Liam, what's going on? What do we need to talk about?" you didn't like the sound of where this was going. "(Y/N), I like you, and you know that, but I don't think I can do this any longer. We are too different and it's tearing us apart." each word hurt you more and more as he said it. "But....why?" you whisper, leaning against the door frame to hold you up as the tears stream down your face. "You're kind of clingy babe. I can't do anything without you asking where I am or what I'm doing. I really am sorry for this, truly I am." his brown eyes got wide and he suddenly opened his arms as if to give you a hug. Slowly, you shake your head and he blushes. "Right. Erm... I'll be going then." You nod and tears fall down your cheeks as you watch him walk away from you. "Bye Liam." you whisper and drop to your knees, unable to keep the sobs inside.


"Are you ready yet babe? We're already late!" Zayn yells up the stairs to you where you're still putting on makeup. "10 more minutes Zayn!" you yell back at him annoyed that you've heard the same sentence for the last 20 minutes. Plus, he made you smear your eyeliner. "Niall's going to die of starvation if he waits another 10 minutes." Zayn muttered angrily as he was walking up the stairs."No he won't. He might say he will, but that boy has enough food in him to wait at least another 10 minutes." you roll your eyes and hear Zayn laugh behind you. "(Y/N), you look beautiful. You always do. Now lets go." he tugs on your arm making you get lipstick on your face. "Looking good," he laughed sarcastically. "Time is ticking babe." the smirk that he has on sets you over the edge. "ZAYN! SHUT UP!" he looks at you with wide eyes. "I get the fact that we are late and that Liam, Niall, Harry and Louis are waiting for us. But, this rant doesn't sound familiar to you? Maybe like something that I say to YOU every time we're supposed to go out? I'm always ready on time, but you take FOREVER and make us late to everything. And for what? YOUR HAIR. Really Zayn? Really? YOUR HAIR? Is it that important?" you furiously scrub at the lipstick on your face as you go off on him. "You never had anything to say before about this, or have you kept it bottled up, like you do with everything else?" he retorted, his face clearly showing anger and hurt. "That's because you don't listen to me. So, If you're THAT in a rush, how about you just leave without me?" "Fine. I will." he exited the room, running down the stairs. "Hey Malik?" you yell as you hear the door open. "If you walk out that door without me now, you'll walk back in it a single man!" with that you hear the door close and eventually you figure he wasn't coming back. Well, there went your makeup; the tears just took it all off.


Everything was going great today. You and Louis had decided to spend the night playing boardgames at his flat - just the two of you. Or so you thought. "I'm glad we're doing this Loulou. It's been a while since we've done something just for us." you smile and take his hand. He looks back at you guiltily and leans in to kiss your nose. "Uh, babe-" he was cut off by the doorbell and the door being opened producing a smiling Harry Styles. "Hey Louis! Hey (Y/N)! Thanks for inviting me!" Harry gave you a hug and plopped down on the other side of Lou. "You have got to be kidding." you mutter under your breath, throwing a dirty look at Louis, who gives you an apologetic look. An hour later, Louis has completely forgotten your existence as he and Harry fight over a game piece. You can't stand it anymore and you don't mind saying so. "Louis, can I see you in the kitchen?" you say getting up and Lou following you. "What's up babe?" he takes you in his arms and you smile but then remember what you were going to say. "Louis, what happened to it being 'just the two of us'?" "Babe, come on. It's Hazza, he's here all the time." he shrugs. "That's just it Louis! He's ALWAYS HERE! I come over to hang out with my boyfriend, and I always end up with my boyfriend and Harry. Not exactly what I call romantic." "Babe, (Y/N), are you jealous of Harry, or do you not like him?" he said with an air that made you even angrier. "I like Harry, and I'm NOT jealous of him! But, I'm dating you Louis, Harry's not!" you exclaim. "You're being ridiculous." he rolled his eyes. "Am I? How many times have we done something that was JUST the two of us in the past 2 months?" you pause and wait for an answer, but he just looks down."Don't know?! Well, that's cause we HAVEN'T! It's all about Harry, Harry, Harry. Frankly, I'm tired of it." Louis looked mad at your snide comment. "If you don't like it, you can leave. I definitely won't stop you." he said sternly. "Fine. I think I will. But, let me point something out. You just said you wouldn't stop me from leaving. Would you say the same to Harry if he tried to leave?" you turn on your heel, grab your purse, and leave without another word.

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