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Harry: “It’s just a piece of grass,” you laughed, as Harry pointed above your head at the mistletoe hanging down. “No it’s not,” he replied, a smile on his face, “It means you can kiss me. If you want to.” The thought of kissing Harry, your best friend, under the mistletoe had never crossed your mind. Now that the moment was here though, it seemed like the perfect time. Your cheeks turned red, and you gave him a short answer. “Okay, one kiss.”

Louis: You and Louis were not the type of couple who kissed very often around others, or showed much public affection at all. So it took you by complete surprise when in front of thousands of fans, he kissed you passionately. “What was that for?” You asked, as you pulled away stunned. He pointed above you, shocked himself by what he’d just done. “There is a mistletoe. I had to kiss you.”

Niall: “You put that there!” You said, laughing as you did. There, right in your doorway, hung a mistletoe, that Niall had happily pointed out to you. “Or Santa could have done it,” he replied jokingly. “Well who would have asked for that?” You questioned, playing along, “I know I didn’t.” “You didn’t ask for a kiss?” He asked. You shook your head, “Nope. I get them anyway.” “But this is more magical,” Niall replied, as he pulled you underneath the mistletoe and collided his lips with yours.

Zayn: you were happily watching your young cousin running from couple to couple, while holding up a pretend mistletoe. It was adorable to watch. But when he ran up to you, with Zayn sitting next to you, you froze. “No, no. Zayn and I aren’t together.” “Kiss!” You nervously looked towards Zayn, your friend, just as he was looking towards you as well. You felt your stomach flip, as you sighed, “So we have to kiss?” “Well [Y/N], it is a mistletoe,” Zayn replied, before leaning in towards you.

Liam: “I am not sure that is actually a mistletoe,” Liam commented, as he examined the piece of green hanging from the ceiling. You did not feel the need to look up at it though, “Does it matter? Just kiss me anyway. Who cares if it’s real.” Realizing what he was doing, Liam stopped, and immediately pulled you into his arms, “Merry Christmas [Y/N]. I love you.” Before you could reply, you were kissing beneath the mistletoe; rather it was real or fake.

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