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Harry: Sitting in a dimly lit restaurant, on your third date with Harry, you felt the butterflies fluttering in you. Those feelings made you pull away, when he reached for your hand. Pass memories caused you to feel caution of falling so hard, so fast. Harry saw the fear that so easily took over you, and felt the need to defend against what he’d never done. “I never would mistreat you [Y/N].” You looked away from Harry, towards an empty table across the restaurant, “He would say that too.” “You don’t even know me yet. I promise to never hurt you. Give me a chance to prove that to you.”

Zayn:” “I really want a shot,” Zayn said, when you turned him down for a third time. “I don’t need you,” you snapped, feeling scared, “I know you think I’m lonely, and that I need a prince charming to save me. I don’t!” Taken aback by your shouts, Zayn took a few steps away from you. “[Y/N], I don’t think you need me, but I do want to help if I can.” You rolled your eyes, “I don’t want to fall in love again.” Zayn understood why you felt that way. He knew your ex had not been great to you. “I know that. Just let me be the one. Trust me, you may not realize it, but you’d be saving my life a lot more than I’d be saving yours.”

Liam: Four short months had passed since Liam, your best friend, had last seen you. The last time you were together, you were at your highest. You were so happy, so in love with a man you had thought was the one. But now, four months later, you’d fallen so far. “He told me he loves her,” you cried, your entire body shaking as Liam held you in his arms, “He just left me, and went right to her.” “And he led you to believe he loved you?” Liam asked, unsure of how far your relationship had gotten. “He acted like he’d marry me. He misled me so much. It hurts so much.” “I’m so sorry. You deserve so much better than him.”

Niall: “No one misses me,” you mumbled, as you tossed a magazine down onto your table. On the front page was a picture of you, along with a quote from a member of a movie you’d dropped out of only 2 months ago. Niall shook his head at the words written on the tabloid. “How could someone not miss you at all?” “Easily,” you replied, “I left because it was torture to see him everyday, with the way he treated me. That’s not what they say though.” Niall wanted to find something in this to make you feel better, so he just made a random comment, “The pictures makes you look so small. You’re taller than that.” It did it’s job, and you laughed through your pain, “That’s what you notice?”

Louis: “You really think you stand a chance?” you heard one of your friends asking Louis, when they thought you had music playing in your ear, and could not hear a word they were saying. “[Y/N] has walls built up high. It won’t be easy for you to get her to say yes.” You tried not to look like you were listening, as Louis replied, “I want to break those walls. I really want a chance with her.” You hated the silence that followed, as you waited for your friend’s reply. “Well, you can ask her out, but she’ll say no.” After she said that, you noticed Louis tried to reach out for you, to tap you on the shoulder, but pulled away at the last second, “Maybe one day.” As he walked away, you wished you had the strength to get up and tell him you wanted him to be the one to break down those walls as well.

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