the song he sings to you when you're upset

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HARRY: "Ugh!" You tossed your phone to the side. "Why do they all send such harsh things? I've nothing to them, yet they wish death upon me? I don't get it!" You threw your hands up in frustration before laying back on your bed. "So ill spend the night looking into your eyes," Harry had made his way to your side, and his lips were pressed to your ear. He was singing 'Bones' by Lewis Watson. He was an Indie singer that you and Harry had found on youtube one night, and this song in particular was a song that could always put a smile on your face.The two of you soon had big smiles on your faces, whilst singing along to your favorite song.

NIALL: "Niall, I've put at least half of these dresses in the store. I don't look good in any of them!" You sat down on the chair in the dressing room, with a frown on your face and your arms crossed at your chest. "Babe, you looked beautiful in all of them." You shook your head, still in full on pout mode. He shook his head and took a seat beside you. "I don't know why you always get so insecure," He started to sing 'Cover Girl' by Big Time Rush. He'd always sing it to you whenever you doubted your beauty. It always managed to put smile on your face.

ZAYN: "I miss you," You groaned into your laptop. You and Zayn had been on skype for nearly an hour now. You missed him so much. He laughed and shook his head. "Reminds me of a song that Ed sings." You looked at him confused. "Shock, horror I'm down. Lost you're not around." You smiled as he continued to sing 'Miss You' by Ed Sheeran. The two of you kept singing along with eachother all of these random songs, and it was definitely making you feel a whole lot better about him being away.

LOUIS: "Oh come on, where's that smile that I love so much?" Louis was poking at your side, doing everything in his will to try and make you smile. He'd come home late again tonight, and tonight he promised that he'd take you out for dinner. "No Louis. I'm mad at you!" He sat quiet next to you in your bed, a smile forming on his face. "Summer lovin, had me a blast." You could feel yourself starting to smile, so you quickly looked away from him. And in his very best girly voice, "Summer lovin, happened so fast." You couldn't help but laugh at your boyfriend, so you started to sing along. How could you stay mad at a boy like him?

LIAM: "You're a fallen star, you're the getaway car. You're the line in the sand, when I go to far." You wiped a tear from your cheek, cuddling into Liam's side even more. "You're the swimming swimming pool, on an August day. And you're the perfect thing to say." He was singing your song, 'Everything' by Michael Buble. It was always able to make you smile, no matter what kind of mood you were in. "And you played it coy, but it's kinda cute. And when you smile at me you know exactly what you do."

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