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Liam: Stepping outside of your hotel, you thought nothing of the teenage girl walking in your direction. The fact that she was glaring at you, barely even crossed your mind. It was not until she was directly in front of you, and yelling, that you even truly noticed her. “How dare you cheat on Liam!” Before you could ask her what she was talking about, you felt a horrible sting on your cheek. Liam, who had been at the front desk asking them something, walked outside right at that moment, and was quick to pull you away from her, “Get away from [Y/N]!” “She cheated on you!” the fan argued, so much anger in every word she said over the rumor she believed. Liam didn’t care to respond to her, he just walked away, hugging you tightly, “Are you okay?” “I… What just happened?!”

Zayn: “[Y/N], what’s wrong?” Zayn asked you, as he opened his front door, and saw you standing there with tears rolling down your face. He was so confused. You had left his house only a few minutes earlier, and had been completely fine at that time. He had no idea what could have happened in such a short time, to cause all your tears. “What happened?” You quickly walked inside, shutting the door behind you, so desperate to feel safe inside of the house, “Some girl was out there, and just started screaming at me. She was swinging, and…” You didn’t finish your sentence, because you were just in shock. Zayn pulled you into his arms, “You’re okay though?” You nodded. You were not actually hurt by her. “Yeah, I’m just shocked.”

Harry: You had tried to tell Harry that a fan whom followed the two of you everywhere you went was a stalker. You repeated it over and over again, that she worried you, and that she was always glaring at you. She wasn’t like the others, who were kind and just loved Harry; she truly worried you. He thought you were just paranoid though, so he didn’t worry about it. So when she finally snapped, and actually tried to strangle you, you felt a lot of anger towards Harry. “I told you!” you screamed at him, as he walked into your hospital room. You were fine, but had went just to be checked out. “I know,” Harry sighed, so, so glad to see you okay, “I’m sorry. I should have listened to you.” “Yeah, you should have,” you nodded, before reaching out towards him, the anger not as strong as your need for a hug, “I love you.”

Louis: You were at a One Direction concert, when you decided you really wanted some concession food. It just didn’t taste the same as the food they had backstage. Some would say the food backstage was better, but it just wasn’t the same. So you went into the front of the arena to get something to eat. There was a huge crowd everywhere, and you were having a lot of trouble trying to get through it all, trying to quickly get back to Louis. “Excuse me,” you said, as you made your way around a few girls. Suddenly, you felt something hit you in your back, and you fell to the ground. “Sorry!” Three girls were quick to bend down to help you up, while a pain went through your back. You were cringing, when the girls finally saw your face, “Oh my god, you’re [Y/N].” You tried to smile at the girls, but you were in so much pain, and just wanted to get back to Louis more than ever.

Niall: “Stop!” you shouted, as the girl hit you harder and harder. The past few minutes had been a blur. You’d been shopping for a present for Niall’s birthday, when this girl had walked up to you, and began screaming a million things you could not even understand. All you did comprehend was she had said Niall once or twice; so you knew she was probably a fan upset for some reason. “Please stop!” you yelled again, when she continued to punch you. You refused to fight back. You knew what it would look like if ‘Niall’s girlfriend attacked a fan.’ So instead, you just took it all. Finally though, after only 30 seconds, though it felt much longer, a security guard ripped her off of you. It was only then that it truly hit you what just happened, and you began to cry, and immediately reached for your phone to call Niall.

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