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Louis: “It’s a game,” Louis explained slowly to your little girl, who was listening closely to every single word that he said. You were about to bring her to her very first hockey game, and she still had no idea what that even was. ”And they play on ice,” Louis continued. “Is it like football? Like you play?” Louis shook his head, “Not really, no.” You smiled down at her, “They use a puck in this game, and not a ball, but they do have to get it into a goal. So that’s similar.” Your daughter was still trying to understand the basics, “So they kick a puck? What does it look like?” Louis laughed softly, “No, they hit it with sticks, they don’t kick it. Just wait, and you’ll see today. Okay?” She nodded happily, “Okay!”

Liam: Your daughter was so excited for the day ahead, but most of that excitement was not coming from her looking forward to the game itself. She did enjoy hockey, but that was not going to be the highlight of her day. As much as she was truly happy to be going to the game, spending the day with you and Liam was the best part for her. “Thank you for coming with us Daddy,” she smiled, while holding onto Liam’s hand tightly. He had been away for the past few months, and this was the first thing you were doing all together as a family since he’d gotten back. “I’m glad I’m here too. Are you excited to see the game?” Your daughter’s eyes grew in size, “Yes! I’m so excited!”

Niall: From the moment Niall told your daughter that he would bring her to a hockey game, she had been so ecstatic. She has talked about it so much, everyday since finding out, and Niall knew just how much she was really looking forward to going with him. So when something came up, and Niall could no longer bring her, he knew she would be crushed. He prepared for that, but he still hated to see her cry. “I’m so sorry.” “But you promised!” She argued, while tears ran down her face, “You can’t take back a promise!” “I didn’t know I’d be busy, and I really did think we could go,” Niall explained, hating that he had to do this. Your daughter continued to frown, “Will Mom bring me?” Niall nodded sadly, “Yeah, she’ll still take you.” Your daughter was still upset, but felt better knowing she could still go.

Harry: “This is going to be the best!” You daughter exclaimed, as you drove into the parking lot of the arena, to bring her to another hockey game. It hadn’t been long since she’s seen her first, and ever since then she’d been determined to come back as soon as possible. She was basically jumping out of her seat, and from his spot in the passenger seat, Harry could see that. “Oh, I’m sorry you’re not happy to be here,” Harry joked with her, before looking at you, “I guess we can just leave. What do you think [Y/N]?” “Dad!” Your daughter rolled her eyes, “You’re not funny.” “I am,” Harry looked back at her, “You just don’t realize it.” She decided not to reply to him, and instead repeated her excitement. “This is going to be the best hockey game ever!”

Zayn: You had been so nervous that your daughter would not like watching the hockey game, or that it would be too rough for her to see, but your worries were for nothing. She was normally not into sports at all, but she was loving this. You could see in her face how happy she was to be there, even before she spoke a word. “This is amazing! Can we come again?!” She had directed that question at Zayn, who could also see just how happy she was. “You really like it, don’t you?” “Mhm!” She smiled brightly, “I really do! Please Daddy, I want to come next time!” Zayn didn’t know when he’d be able to bring her again, so he just said what he could, “I promise one day we’ll come again.” That was good enough for her, “Yay!”

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