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Harry: “I guess what they say is true,” you laughed, as you and Harry stepped outside of your hotel room, and were welcome by pouring rain. You were about to go look around the city for the first time, and this was not the start you pictured. ”It really does rain a lot of London.” “Not really,” Harry replied, “I mean, it’s not always raining. You’re just lucky, and the rain waited for you.” You rolled your eyes playfully at his joke. “Sorry about that, I know you wanted to do a lot today.” You laughed once more, and shrugged, “I don’t care about rain, it’s just water. I still want to see everything! So what’s first?” “I thought you’d want to see Buckingham palace first.” Your eyes lit up, “Yes!”

Zayn: “I’ve never seen a real palace before,” you commented, as you and Zayn stood outside of Buckingham Palace. It had been one of the things you were most excited to see while you were in London, and you were not disappointed at all. Every detail of it was beautiful, and you felt like you could stare at it for hours. “You’ve seen fake ones though?” Zayn asked, laughing slightly, “What other palaces have you seen?” “You know what I meant,” you replied, “And there are fake ones. CInderella’s, Belle’s, need I I go on?” Zayn just smiled at you in reply. “This truly is amazing Zayn. Thank you for inviting me to London.” “I hope you like it enough to come again.” You blushed, “Well, I hope I’m invited back soon.”

Liam: “Wow!” You exclaimed, as you looked up at Big Ben; your final stop on a short tour of the city. It was such an iconic location, and it was even better in person than in any pictures you’d ever seen. Liam stared at you, loving the amazement in your eyes over seeing the clock tower. He’d seen this sight a million times, and so it was just another place to him, but he loved how excited you were over it. “Is it better than pictures?” “Yes!” You shouted, taking it all in for a few more moments, before looking away, and at Liam, “This has been an amazing day! Thank you for showing me around the city. London is so much better in person than I ever thought it would be.”

Louis: Louis warned you that he’d be busy all week, and he wouldn’t have time to show you around the city, even if he really did want to. Your flight had been booked for so long though, and all the other things that were taking up his week had come up later. You knew all of this when you’d flown into London, but it was still hard to see the city alone. “Don’t have just a half hour?” you asked him, one night, as he was getting ready to leave for yet another thing. He glanced at the clock, “I have to be there in 2 hours, and it takes me a while to get there.” “So no?” He shook his head, but gave a different answer, “You know what, they can wait. We have a half hour. What do you want to do?” “I want to see the bridge up close.”

Niall: “Wow!” That word fell out of your mouth, as you and Niall got to the top of the London Eye, high above the rest of the city. “This is truly incredible. Look at the city Niall!” You’d been in London for a few days now, but nothing had been as amazing to look at, as the view you could now see. The entire city was before your eyes, and it was breathtaking. “It’s pretty great up here,” Niall agreed, looking out at the view with you, “You really can see a lot.” “You can,” you nodded, your eyes constantly looking all around you, taking in all the different views, while Niall wrapped his arms around your waist, “I’m so glad we came up here. I almost didn’t want to, but I’m so glad we did.”

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