something he does that annoys you

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HARRY: He takes forever to tell a story. No matter how interesting the story might actually be, sometimes he'll just drag it on to the point where you're not even interested anymore.

NIALL: Chews really loud. Niall eats his food really fast, everyone knows that. But what people may not know is that he chews really loud as well. It get's on your nerves at times, and you'll have to ask him to stop.

ZAYN: Smoking. You've always hated smoking more than anything. It smells bad, and also is extremely bad for you. He almost never smokes in front of you because of how much you hate it. You're always telling him he needs to stop, and he promises he will. Eventually.

LOUIS: Sometimes his jokes go too far. Occasionally there'll be times where he'll say something as a joke, but it does come off as offensive. You know he's joking, but he sounds rude to people around you.

LIAM: Sometimes he can be a little...too nice. He always wants to make sure you're happy, and nothing's wrong with that. But if you're upset about something, even if it has nothing to do with him, he'll get himself down about it thinking it was his fault.

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