Little Black Dress

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Liam: “I can’t take this anymore,” Liam whispered to you, hours into a very long birthday party for a close friend. It seemed to be dragging on forever, and Liam was sure it would never end. “Why did you have to wear that dress? It’s not right.” You laughed quietly, as Liam wrapped his arms tightly around you, “So you like the dress then?” “Black looks really good on you,” he replied, pulling you a little closer to him, “Can we just go?” “Not yet. We can’t just leave in the middle of her party. Soon though, I promise. It’s almost over.” Liam glanced at your outfit once more, and sighed, “Fine, soon.”

: “Maybe we should go. We can just head home. We shouldn’t be here,” you told Louis, seconds after stepping into a party full of Louis’ friends you did not know. You automatically felt out of place, and desperate to be anywhere but there. “It’s too late to go home now. We’re here,” Louis responded, holding your hand protectively, “It’s alright.” He repeated that a few times, when it didn’t seem to change you fears. Finally you just sighed, “I’ll trust you. These are your friends.”

Zayn: Having Zayn flirt with you, made it very hard for you to speak. You were in shock, and felt like there must be a mistake. Clearly he must not flirting, right? Maybe you were reading too much into his kindness. “Did you come here alone?” he asked you, glancing at a guy who kept looking at you, clearly mad at the attention Zayn was giving you. You nodded your head, “Yes, I came here alone. Well with a friend, but not a guy… I mean…” You just stopped talking, and blushed. “Good. So I can dance with you then?” Relief rushed through you. You weren’t crazy. He was flirting. “Yes.”

Niall: You felt amazing as you stepped into a club, and that wasn’t at all what you expected to feel. You were wearing a little black dress, you’re hair looked good, and you felt really confident for once. It still surprised you though, when just as you walked into the room, you noticed a guy couldn’t stop looking at you. After only a minute, he walked over to where you were. “I’m Niall,” he introduced himself, “You know every head turned when you walked into the room.” “Me?” you laughed, not believing that, no matter how good you felt that day, “Sure.”

Harry: You didn’t think you were very good at dancing. It made you feel awkward, and you knew you looked ridiculous when you did it. Harry however, didn’t believe that. “I’m not dancing,” you laughed, after Harry asked you to dance with him in front of all his friends. “Come on [Y/N], I wanna see the way you move. You never dance. What’s your favorite song? I’ll put it on.” “I don’t know…” you looked at his friends nervously. “It’s alright, you know. They don’t care how you dance,” Harry assured you. “Only one dance?” “Yes. Just one.” Hesitantly you reached for his hand, “Okay.”

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