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Zayn: As all your friends jumped into a crystal clean lake, from a small cliff above you, you couldn’t help but worry. Zayn was watching you panic as each person hit the water, and when your best friend jumped, and you cringed, Zayn wrapped his arms around your waist. “Don’t overthink, just let it go.” “It’s so dangerous,” you told him, knowing that you sounded far too worried, when everyone else was just having fun. Zayn actually loved how concerned you were for everyone, but he wanted you to relax, “It’s just fun.” You looked away from the water, and towards Zayn, “Breaking a bone doesn’t seem fun to me.” “No one is breaking anything,” Zayn reminded you, as he let his arms go from around you, “I’m going to go in the water now. Come with me.” You felt your heart pounding, as Zayn grabbed your hand and pulled you up the cliff. “I’m don’t think I can do this.” Zayn looked at you, “It’s now or never [Y/N]. Just close your eyes and do it.” You were shaking, as you nodded, “On three.”

: “I’m waiting on you,” Liam explained to you over the phone, as he sat outside of your house, watching as you turned your bedroom light on. It was a little past midnight, and your parents had no idea of your plans to go out this late with Liam. “I don’t know about this Liam. I hate lying like this.” “C’mon and let me sneak you out,” Liam replied, not wanting all your plans to disappear, “We have so much planned tonight. This was your idea.” You sighed, as you glanced towards your door, “I know, but what if they notice?” “Then we’ll celebrate tonight, in case you never get out of your house again.” Liam was laughing, but you were not. “Liam, they really could never let me out again.” “Just come on [Y/N].” You didn’t reply for a few moments, and then finally you began walking towards your window, “Come help me climb out.”

Harry: You were at a friend’s party, having an amazing time with Harry, whom you’d only just met, and a part of you never wanted it to end. Looking at the clock however, you realized how late it was. “Harry, it’s getting so late. I have to get home,” you told him, as the clock ticked further and further into the A.M. “Let’s just go crazy til we see the sun tonight,” Harry replied, not ready for the night to end. He was having so much fun with you, and the thought of you leaving, and it all ending just didn’t seem right. He wasn’t even sure he’d ever see you again, he was leaving town the very next day. You grabbed his hand, and pulled him to where it was just the two of you, but had no idea what to say. He spoke instead. “I know we’ve only met, but let’s just pretend it’s love. Don’t leave yet.” You weren’t quite sure what his words meant, but they sounded good, and you were finding it so hard to find a good reason to leave. “Please stay.” You smiled at him, “I’ll stay a little longer.”

Niall: “So what’s the plans for tonight?” you asked Niall, as you put on your makeup for the night ahead. Sitting down watching you, Niall shrugged, even if you could not see him, “I don’t know. Nothing really. I was thinking we could just go and figure it out once we’re in town.” You stopped applying your blush, and turned to face your boyfriend, “So I’m getting ready for a night of no plans?” “All I know is you and I, we’re about to make some memories tonight. We’ll figure out something fun, I promise.” You didn’t know if you liked the sound of that, but you were also fine with doing something spontaneous. “We’re going to have a good time [Y/N]. Just finish getting ready, and then we can go.” You turned back around to your mirror, quickly finishing up your face, ready to go have an adventure with Niall.

Louis: You were so cautious in everything you did. Every time you did anything, you thought about it for so long before you did it. Louis, your boyfriend, knew this better than anyone. He knew exactly what type of person you were, and he just wanted you to loosen up and have some fun. So he decided to take you out to a amusement park, and went right to the scariest ride, “Don’t think [Y/N]. I wanna live while we’re young, and not worry about everything. That’s what getting older is far. Let’s just live while we’re young.” You laughed, thinking he was joking, “What does this have to do with being young?” “You think too much. Just forget about your worries, and have fun. That’s all I mean. We should be having so much fun now, and not worrying as much as you do.” You crossed your arms, “It’s not wrong to worry.” “No, it’s not, but just have some fun.” You were annoyed by his words, as if you never did anything, so you just gave in, “I don’t worry about everything, and I’ll prove it. Let’s just go on this.”

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