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Liam: “Please don’t hold his hand again,” Liam asked you, as soon as your boyfriend came into view. Liam had driven you to the airport, to pick up to your boyfriend, who was back from a long trip for work. “What?” You laughed, waving at your boyfriend, to make sure he saw you. “Just please,” Liam asked once again, and you heard how serious he was. Your smile faded, as you looked at him, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” “Just don’t hold his hand.” You crossed your arms across your chest awkwardly. If it bothered him this much, for whatever reason, you wouldn’t hurt him. “Fine, I won’t.”

Louis: It was late at night, or early in the morning, depending on how you look at it, when your phone rang. Most people would panic when woken up at 4AM, but you knew exactly who it was, without even a glance at the ID. “Louis,” you whispered, as you put the phone to your ear. “I know your with him,” he replied back, a hurt tone in his voice. “Of course,” you whispered, glancing at the man fast asleep next to you, “You can’t call me like this.” “Does he know that we were together?” “Stop,” you begged. You couldn’t hear this with another man next to you. “Sorry, but I don’t really don’t care if he knows.” You felt guilt getting to you, and couldn’t deal with in that moment, “Goodbye Louis, we’ll talk later.”

Harry: “I know you wanna leave,” Harry told you, as the two of you sat and ate lunch together. He didn’t need to say what he was talking about, you knew he was referring to your boyfriend. It was a topic that came up every single time you were together lately. “It’s not that simple,” you replied, taking a small bite of your sandwich after, “Can we talk about something else?” “No. Come on [Y/N], just leave him and be with me.” Your heart ached as you looked at Harry. He knew you had feelings for him, and he knew you wanted to leave your boyfriend, but after being with him for years, it was hard to know the right way to do this. “We could be so happy [Y/N].” “I know that, just give me time. Then we can live happily ever after.”

Niall: “People say I cheated, and they say…” you trailed off, feeling tears in your eyes at the thought of the cruel words you’d heard about yourself lately, “I just can’t believe some of the things they say about us.” Niall felt angry about the way you were treated, it was so unfair. Though it seemed like you had cheated on your ex, you had broken up with him shortly before Niall asked you out for the first time. “It is horrible what they say, but you know what? I don’t care what they say when we’re out together. I know the truth, and he knows the truth also.” You nodded, feeling a little better after hearing his words. “That’s true. We are happy, and he knows I didn’t cheat on him. That is all that matters.”

Zayn: Seeing Zayn after many long months, you gave him an awkward smile. You wanted to hug him, to leap into his arms, and feel as good as you had at one point in time, but that wasn’t an option anymore. You had been at a point where Zayn was almost your everything, and it truly felt like a twist fate had made it so you could not be together. You’d walked away, moved across the country for a job, and he met the love of his life so soon after. “Hi,” you mumbled, looking anywhere but at him. “Hi [Y/N],” Zayn replied, also not quite sure what to do, “How have you been?” “Good.” Zayn smiled, because all he cared about was your happiness, “I’m glad. I’ve always wanted you to be happy.” You held back tears as you replied back, “I really hope you’re happy too.”

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