your favorite thing about him

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HARRY: The way he eats. Whenever he goes to take a bite out of something, he sticks his tongue way out. You think it's adorable, and you're always teasing him about it.

NIALL: How carefree he is. That boy never lets anything get to him. If someone is sending him hate on twitter, or being rude to him in person he just laughs. He helps you realize never to take life to seriously.

ZAYN: His tattoos. You love how badassy it makes him seem. Zayn's a total sweetheart and total down to earth kind of guy, but the tattoos bring him to a whole new level of sexy.

LOUIS: He's literally the biggest little kid ever. He's going on 21, but he definitely doesn't act it. You love that about him. You could never be with someone who was uptight and serious about everything.

LIAM: His badboy side. Liam Payne appears to be the most innocent man on the planet, but he's totally not. He is infact super sweet (there's no denying that), but he can be badass and tough when he wants too. He loves a good party.

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