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Louis: “Are you sure it looks good?” Louis asked, as he nervously looked in the mirror, “I feel Ike you’re lying to make me feel better about it.” “I’m not,” you replied honestly, “I think it looks great. You’re just not used to it yet.” Louis wanted to believe what you were saying, but he hated it so much, he couldn’t see that changing. “I really don’t think so. I’m glad you like it, but this is so horrible. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” You were going to argue with him again, but you knew how it felt to hate your haircut, and so you did understand his worries; so instead you just smiled softly, “I promise it doesn’t look that bad, but if you hate it that much, at least you know you can always change it again. It’s not permanent.”

Harry: “Everyone is going to laugh.” Harry was so upset, as he looked in the mirror at his brand new haircut. He had been so excited to have a new style, but it had not turned out how he wanted. “No one will laugh,” you reassured him, as you tried to think of something good to say. When noticing came to mind, you said possibly the worst thing you could say, “It’s not so bad.” “So it is awful?” He asked, trying to downplay what you’d just said in his mind as he did, “I can’t believe I let them cut it like this.” “You know what Harry, no matter what, you look perfect. Like honestly, no one will laugh.” He shook his head, “Most people will probably be nice, but you know some will say the truth.” “Which is that you still look amazing.”

Liam: “Another hat?” You asked, when Liam reached for a hat as you were walking out the door; just as he’d done everyday for the past week, “Is this because of your haircut?” He nodded his head, and annoyance showed in his face, “You know how much I hate it. It’s awful.” Feeling bad for how much he hated his hair, you sighed, “Does hiding it make you feel better?” “Yes. If only you and I know how horrible it is, that isn’t too bad. I don’t want anyone else to see this,” Liam explained, before shrugging his shoulders, “I’m just waiting until I can fix it, and it doesn’t look like this anymore.” “And that’ll be soon,” you reminded him, before leaning over to give him a kiss, “I think you look amazing though, if that means anything.”

Zayn: “I’m going find someone to fix my hair!” Zayn told you, as soon as you sat down in the passenger seat of his car. You laughed, “You do realize where we’re leaving?” You pointed towards the building you’d just left, where Zayn had just gotten his hair cut, “What are you talking about?” “This looks horrible,” Zayn replied, pointing at his hair. You looked at it confused. Yes, it was not the best his hair had ever looked, but it didn’t look horrible. “It looks fine. Are we seriously going somewhere’s else?” You asked, “Right now?” “Yes, before anyone can see me,” he answered, before handing you his phone, “Find someone to call and see if they can fix this.” Grabbing the phone, you were shocked by how much this really was bothering him, “Okay, I’ll call someone.”

Niall: Niall was upset, and trying to hide it, but you could see it anyway. “You can stop pretending. I can tell you’re upset,” you told him, because you hated seeing him pretending to be happy, “What’s wrong?” “It’s just my hair,” he explained, not at all shocked you knew he wasn’t okay, “I hate it so much.” “You?” you questioned, completely shocked that Niall was upset over his hair. It just wasn’t something you would have ever expected to hear him say. “Yes. I just keep thinking about how everyone will react to it. It’s really bad, and I know you haven’t said anything, just to be nice.” You had no idea what he was talking about, “I haven’t. I don’t think you look bad.” With a small smile, Niall responded to you, “I’m glad you don’t think so. I hope everyone else thinks that too, and doesn’t think it looks at bad as I do.”

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