a habit you picked up from him

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HARRY: Staring at peoples lips while they talk. Harry's always doing it to you. Well actually, he does it to pretty much everyone. Because you spend so much time with him, you've found yourself starting to do it as well!

NIALL: Biting your nails. If Niall doesn't have something to do, or something in his hands rather, he'll start biting his nails. It's a bad habit he's had since he was younger, and you've come to realize that you've picked up on it.

ZAYN: Sticking your tongue out. Zayn's tongue is almost never in his mouth. When he gets really focused on something, his tongue is out to the side. When he's making a face in a picture, his tongues poking out. You hadn't noticed when you started to do it, but your friends sure have.

LOUIS: Wearing shoes without socks. You thought it was disgusting that Louis did it. But one day whilst at work you realized you'd put on your shoes without socks! You can't understand how you would've done that without noticing, but you had. It you even liked the way it felt.

LIAM: Staying up to late. Liam's a total night owl. You used to cherish your sleep more than anything. You still do, only you stay up way later than usually. You often wake up late for work, or go the whole day exhausted.

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