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Harry: You and Harry had been talking and flirting all night, and it was one of those times where you just automatically fell and nothing could stop you. It wasn’t just you falling though, he felt the same way. Harry was nervous to tell you how he felt, but also couldn’t hold it back, “This is going to sound strange, but it feels like the second you walked into the room, you stole my heart.” You said nothing, just blushed and looked down. “I don’t even think I could get you to give it back,” he joked. This time you had a reply, and so you looked back up at him, “Never in your wildest dreams.”

: “This is the day we met,” you sighed, while going through a photo album, “Do you remember it?” While glancing at the pictures, Zayn answered you, “I remember we danced all night, and I thought the song was the best song ever. But I couldn’t even tell you how it goes.” “At all?” you laughed, hearing that song you had danced too playing in your head. “Well I remember it had oh, oh, oh in it or something like that, but that’s it. All I really remember is you.” You smiled, as you picked up a picture of the two of you dancing, “I’ll find it and play it for you later. It really is the best song.”

Liam: “Hi, I’m Liam. What’s your name?” You had seen Liam looking your way for almost an hour, nervous to approach, before this moment finally happened. You blushed at the thought of him building up the courage to speak to you. “Georgia Rose,” you lied, not sure why, but it seemed fun to have a different name for a night. It wasn’t like you expected his flirting to truly mean anything after tonight was over. “It’s nice to meet you Georgia.” It sounded strange to hear that, so you laughed nervously, right as your favorite song began to play. “It’s nice to meet you too Liam. Would you like to dance?” “I’d love too.”

Louis: Louis had just done an interview, and in it, he had cursed one too many times. He seemed to realize that when he walked over to you, and cursed once again over how the interview had gone. You laughed, “Louis, seriously, you have a dirty mouth right now.” For some reason, Louis actually laughed when you said that, and had a quick reply, “But you’ll still kiss me, even if I have such a dirty mouth.” Your face became a shade of red, as you glanced around to be sure no one else was around. When you saw no one, you leaned over and answered his comment with a quick kiss. “Of course.”

Niall: After a long night of dancing together, and having the time of your life with Niall; it was time for you to leave. Your heart was shattering a little, at the thought that this was goodbye. You did not expect to see Niall again after tonight. It was not meant to go further than this. “It was so nice to meet you,” you said, before going in for a tight hug. Niall held you tightly, and replied, “I’ll always remember this. You. I’ll remember exactly how much we danced.” As you pulled away from him, you found yourself smiling brightly, “I’ll remember everything about tonight too.”

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