Something Great

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Niall: “I want you here with me,” Niall begged over the phone, after far too many days apart. You’d been dating for many years now, and only recently became engaged, and this was not how Niall pictured enjoying such a happy time. “I didn’t picture it like this. You and I never seeing each other. I don’t want to keep imagining something better than this.” “We’ll be together soon. You won’t be on tour forever,” you replied. You had learned long ago how to be okay with the distance, that Niall was suddenly noticing. “It’ll just make it even better when we see each other again. It’ll be great.”

Liam: “This isn’t working,” Liam began, and those three words shattered you. “I thought we were happy?” you asked, hating how pathetic it sounded, “What - what did I do?” Tears began leaking down your face, before Liam could even get a single word out. “No, I don’t mean like that!” He reached out, and grabbed your hand, “I mean, we’re happy, but we’re still very hesitant to fall for each other. That’s not working. We just have to jump. Bring each other everything, and hold nothing back. All or nothing.” You’d never felt so much relief before in your life, “I’m all in.”

Zayn: “You could have been mine,” Zayn said sadly, when you were alone for what felt like the first time in forever, “I know that now. I really blew it.” He bitterly looked down at the ring on your finger, and your stomach that had grown in the passed few months. “That wasn’t how our lives were meant to be,” you sighed, hating the regret he felt over what could have been. It couldn’t change now. “We can’t change the script. I’m really happy now.” It should have made Zayn feel better to know you were happy, but it only hurt worse, “I should be glad. But if I could change it, rip it all to shreds and start again, I would.”

Harry: As you, Harry, and another friend walked through a crowded mall, you were shocked by what she was brave enough to ask. “Will you two ever admit you’re in love?” “She’s joking, right?” you mumbled, while Harry laughed nervously. “Everyone sees it. Just admit it!” “One day,” Harry suddenly replied, and your eyes widened in shock. “What?” “Well I hope… Maybe one day we’ll say…” “What you’ve also thought but never said?” your friend asked happily. You ignored her words, and stared at Harry. “What are you saying?” you asked shocked, with your heart pounding in your chest. “I’m saying that maybe she’s right. Maybe we are better off together.” You jaw dropped, as your friend jumped for joy, “Finally!”

Louis: “Just over a month ago, I thought I’d never… I thought I’d never fall in love again,” you told Louis, as you stood face to face, with your arms wrapped around his shoulders; and his around your waist. It was scary to admit how strong your feelings for him were, but it felt right to tell him. “You came into my world, and you just got it right. Everything little thing. I’ve never felt so happy. I thought I was better off alone.” Louis returned your happy smile, and could not believe how much he loved you already, “And know we both know we’re better off together here tonight.” You nodded, “So much better.”

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