Through The Dark

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Louis: “After all that, you’re not mad at me?” You wondered, as you sat next to Louis. You had screamed horribly at him only an hour earlier. You had poured out so much pain, that was not due to him at all. It was just too much building up. A lot of stress, due to a million little things going on in your life. And a small comment from Louis had suddenly set you off. Louis took it all though, and hadn’t said a word. “If screaming and shouting will finally cause you to admit you were stressed out, it’s better than you burning out.” You took in his words, and thought them over for a while before replying, “I really am stressed. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay,” Louis replied, “At least it got you to admit the truth.”

Liam: “I’m sad all the time, and I really feel like I’ve lost my way,” you explained to Liam in tears, “I don’t feel like my tears are going anywhere. All those horrible memories are always in my mind.” It caused Liam so much pain to see you so hurt over your past. All he could think was how amazing you are, and how much you really deserve to be happy. But you refused to feel joy. It would hurt worse for you to be happy for a while, only to have it come crashing down yet again. “[Y/N], I love you. I wanna see you be yourself again.” “I’m trying,” you replied honestly, “I’m really trying.” “I’m here [Y/N]. No matter what, I’ll be here for you.”

Zayn: “You used to laugh a lot,” Zayn, your best friend, commented out of the blue, as the two of you were watching a comedy together. “What?” you asked, not sure you heard him right. “I just noticed, ever since your break up, you don’t laugh like I remember. Normally you’d laugh at that part, now you look like you want to cry.” ‘You felt awkward that he’d noticed that. It seemed like a small detail to you, and yet it was a big deal to him. “Well I just think the love in this movie - it’s all in vain. She think it’s forever, but it’s not. Love in pointless.” A look of concern was on Zayn’s face, when you looked over at him, “Don’t look so worried Zayn.” “I just know you can love again. Give it time, and you will.” “To get hurt again?” Shaking his head, Zayn replied, “No, to find the right guy.”

Niall: Niall noticed the way you looked so sad. He saw how even when you said you were happy, you weren’t. And being your boyfriend, he worried so much about what was wrong. “Please tell me what’s going on.” Hiding it from him, when he clearly knew something was wrong, didn’t feel right. So with a shaking voice you spoke, “I’m hurt and in pain…” You hung your head in shame over what had happened. “Over what?” Niall asked, worried. “What happened? I just wanna see you smile again [Y/N].” ‘“I…I… He kissed me. I said no! I didn’t… Please….” You broke down completely, unable to finish a single thought. You said enough though, and Niall quickly pulled you into his arms, “It’s okay, it’s okay. I believe you.”

Harry: Walking hand and hand with Harry felt odd. He was a close friend, nothing more, but this little act made it feel like so much more than it was. A little voice in your head told you that if you fell, he’d break your heart; so you quickly dropped his hand. “What’s wrong?” he asked, noticing the look on your face. You looked close to tears. He knew you were still hurt over a past relationship, and suspected that’s where your mind was. “If you want cry, you can. I’m here to hold you.” His kind words cut through you, and you shook your head, “No, then you’ll just break my heart worse later.” “I would never break your heart,” Harry responded, completely shocked by your words, “Or let you fall. I promise.”

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