Story Of My Life

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Update again! comment if you want! 

Zayn: "Our first home," you sighed sadly, as you stared at the empty bedroom you and Zayn had shared for so long, "I’m going to miss it so much, even if I love our new house." "There’s a lot of stories written on these walls," Zayn responded, pointing at a piece of the wall where the paint was chipped, "This was where you knocked over that lamp." "I tripped and feel," you replied, clearing remembering the moment when you’d tripped on a phone plug, and went directly into the lamp, "You know, I hope we never forget all these stories. Good of bad, I hope we remember them forever."

"Are you just going to keep driving around?" you asked, while feeling the heater from the car warming you completely. Only an hour ago you’d been freezing due to the cold weather, and unable to warm up inside of your home. Inside of Louis’ car was the only place that you felt better. "As long as I need to. I’ll drive all night if I have to, to keep you warm. Or I’ll take you home if you want." A smile took over your face, as you wrapped your arms around yourself, "I’m warm here. Thank you for doing this."

: It was bright and early in the morning. Harry had only just woken up from a good night’s sleep; but something had kept you from sleeping all night long, and you just had to tell him what was on your mind. “I - I just…” you were having trouble telling him, “I just don’t feel the same about us anymore.” “What?” Harry questioned, in complete shock, not believing your words. “I can’t explain it better than that. I don’t feel the same, and it’s driving me crazy. I hate this.” Seeing Harry’s heartbreak written on his face only made you hate this even worse, “I’m so sorry Harry.”

Niall: Niall hated that every time it seemed like the two of you were getting closer, you’d pull away. “I can’t keep doing this,” he said, confusing you with his choice of words. “Doing what?” “I can’t keep waiting for you to come around.” You still did not understand what he was talking about, “I’m still confused.” “I feel like I keep running after you, and it feels like I’m chasing the clouds. It feels impossible.” You finally realized what he was talking about, and replied quietly, “I just get so scared, because this - you loving me - it doesn’t feel real to me.” “I do love you [Y/N].” You nodded, Just give me time to accept that.”

Liam: “I think we should see other people.” Shattered was exactly how your heart felt, after Liam said those words. “You gave me so much hope that this was going to be perfect, and now you’re doing this?” “I don’t mean to hurt you.” You hated him saying that, “No! You knew what this would do!” “I’m sorry. I know I’m hurting you, but I don’t want to.” LIam did feel awful. He knew what he was saying was causing you to feel broken inside, but staying together would do nothing for either of you. You just were not right together. “I love you [Y/N], I really do. That’s why I have to break up with you.”

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