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Liam: “I miss you so badly [Y/N]. I made a mistake, and I regret it so much. I see your smile on every face now, and whenever I close my eyes, I picture you there.” You loved to hear Liam confessing that. It felt so good to hear those words falling from his lips. However, he was the reason you were apart. He’d been the one who walked away from you, and you reminded him that as you gave a reply, “Whenever I wake up, all I hear is you telling me goodbye. Over and over again, I hear that horrible stupid word you told me.” “I know, but I’m…” Before he could apologize, you began to speak again, “Don’t say sorry Liam. You ended things for a reason. I’m glad you miss me, I won’t lie. I love to hear you say that, but this time I’m going to say goodbye.”

Harry: When Harry was away on tour, you hated every long moment of it. It was weeks and months of being all alone, without him there next to you. Every night that you went to bed without him, you felt a complete emptiness that was impossible to replace. Over time horrible fears crept into your mind, that you knew made no sense, but you couldn’t shake them anyway. “I sometimes feel like you’ll never come back,” you cried to Harry, one night on the phone. Harry hated to hear you in tears. It was the worst sound he could possibly hear, and all he could do to try and make it better, was remind you he’d be home soon, even if he wanted to do so much more. “[Y/N], you don’t have to worry. I’ll be coming back for you. I really miss you too. Soon we’ll be together though, and it’ll be like these horrible months never happened.” “I’m counting down the days.” “Me too.”

Louis: “I’ve never been so into somebody before,” Louis confessed to you, after you’d been dating for only 2 weeks. It was such a short time, barely enough time to know much of anything about each other, but already he knew what he was feeling for you were things he had never once felt before for anyone else. You blushed over his words, and bit your lip, unsure of what to say in reply. When you were silent, he continued on, “And every time we touch, I only want more. I know it’s rushed, but I just know how I feel for you. I hope you feel the same.” He was done talking now. There was nothing more he wanted to say, until he knew how you were feeling. He was scared to say too much, and freak you out. It took you a few long seconds, before you finally replied to him, “I do feel the same. I really like you Louis, and I do feel like this is different than just another relationship. This is special, and I know that.”

Zayn: Lying in bed together, the night before Zayn was set to leave for a world tour, you were both worried about the weeks ahead of you, before you’d see each other again. Neither of you were talking though, at least not until Zayn finally brought up his fears. Keeping it to himself was not going to make anything better. “Tell me nothing’s gonna change while I’m gone. Please, tell me won’t ever walk away.” You snuggled closer to him, as you spoke, “I am not going anywhere. I’ll be right here when you get back. Don’t you go and find someone else either.” Zayn smiled at your reply, “I won’t [Y/N]. I love you too much.” “I love you too,” you responded, as a tear sprung to your eye, “I can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow. I miss you already.” “I miss you too. I’m so excited for this tour, but I don’t want to leave tomorrow.”

Niall: “Lately I’ve been going crazy. All this being away from you is just horrible. I need to talk to you,” Niall expressed to you, desperate to hear your voice. You’d only just picked up the phone, and that was the first thing you heard. There had been no hello on his end, not a how are you, nothing else was said but those words. You were taken aback, so it took you a few moments to answer him. “I know Niall, it’s awful. I hate that we have to be apart for so long.” Niall was glad to hear you felt the same way. A small part of him worried you were glad he was gone. “Well we won’t be apart for much longer, because I’m coming back for you tonight.” Your heart leapt, “What?!” “I’ll be home in a few hours. I miss you so badly, and I can’t wait another day to see you.” A huge smile spread across your face, “Hours?!” “Yeah, only a few hours now.”

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