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Niall: Niall did not call you back a second time. There was nothing more he needed to say. He’d ended things, and he was done. So done in fact, it wasn’t until 7 months later, before you saw him again. You were out shopping, getting a few grocery’s for supper, when you noticed him standing there. You wanted to walk up to him right away, and tell him hi, but you didn’t know if he’d want to see you after everything. You couldn’t help yourself though, “Hi Niall.” Hearing your voice, Niall was instantly pulled away from whatever he had been thinking about, and looked at you, “[Y/N].” “How are you?” you tried to smile, but a lot of horrible feelings were rushing through you. You still missed him so badly. “Good. I’m um, I’m actually here with my girlfriend,” he replied, before looking off behind you, “It’s was nice to see you, but I gotta go.” “Yeah, nice seeing you too,” you responded, before he walked away, and went stand next to a beautiful girl. You tried to smile again; knowing he was over you was a good thing. You were glad he’d moved on, but that did not mean if did not hurt.

Louis: You didn’t bring up your cheating on him again for over a week. Even when Louis took you out on a date, there was no mention of your night out with another man. You could have left it alone, but it got to you, and you really wanted to talk about it. You didn’t finally confess the truth, to ignore it all over again. “Louis, I really want to talk about everything,” you said, as you stepped into the living room, where Louis was sitting down watching a movie. “Now?” he asked, taking his eyes off the screen. You nodded, “I just feel like we’re ignoring the problem.” Louis shook his head, “No, we’re not. I’m not mad. You were excited to go out, like you should be. It’s my fault for never taking you out anymore. I’m not saying I’ll be okay if you do this again. But you felt horrible over it, and I don’t think I should be mad or leave you, when clearly you were bothered by what you did.” You nodded again, “I really was. I felt so bad.” Louis smiled, “I know. Just come watch the movie with me [Y/N].”

Liam: When Liam accepted breaking up, you thought everything was finally over. No more sneaking around, no more worrying, and no more lying. You thought everything was over, but you were so wrong. The next night, while you were cuddling on the couch with your boyfriend, there was a knock on your door. “I’ll get it,” you sighed, while standing up slowly. You weren’t expecting anyone, so you had no idea who it could be. You thought of a few people, but you did not expect to see Liam when you opened the door. “Liam?!” “I’m here [Y/N]. You’re right, you need someone here for you. I’ll fly in as much as possible now. I promise. Give me another change.” “Liam…” you trailed off, and looked behind you at your boyfriend, who didn’t hear what Liam had just said. When you did that, Liam noticed him too, “Oh…” You looked back at Liam, feeling so horrible over this, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.” Liam didn’t know what to say. He just wanted to leave. “I… Bye.”

Zayn: You cried the entire time you were getting your things out of the home you had shared with Zayn. It wasn’t something you wanted to do at all. You wanted to talk to Zayn about what you’d done. You wanted to try and fix what you’d broken. He was so mad though, and refused to speak to you, no matter how many times you tried to start a conversation. “I’m really sorry,” you mumbled, as you got the last of your things, “Can you at least say anything?” Zayn glared at you, “Just go [Y/N]. I have nothing else to say to you.” The tears that rolled down your face did nothing to change his mind. He was not going to forgive you, no matter what. He felt so much betrayal over your cheating, that he knew he’d never be able to trust you ever again. And without trust, what was the point in pretending you could be happy together? “You did this, and I’m not going to feel bad for ending things.”

Harry: For the next two months you and Harry truly worked on your relationship. There was so many small issues that needed to be fixed, and you both worked hard to fix those. You held incredible guilt over what you’d done, but Harry never once brought it up to hurt you. He truly wasn’t mad, and did believe it was something you both had to deal with. It took all those long weeks, for you to finally grow to accept that maybe he was right. Once you did, everything finally began to feel right again. With everything you were both working on, the only thing holding you back from realizing how much better your relationship now was, was that horrible guilt. Letting it go, you suddenly saw how happy you were once again with Harry. “I never thought we’d be happy again,” you admitted to him, “I didn’t think there was hope.” Harry was glad to here that in the past tense, and to know you’d changed your mind, “I knew we would be.” You smiled at him, “Yeah, you did.”

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