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Harry: It was something Harry had been dealing with for a long time. The hate and all the hurt than came along with it. He had tried to ignore it and not let it get to him, but finally it was too much, and he had to voice how he truly felt. “I feel like more people dislike me everyday. There’s always another lie, another thing made up to make me look bad. All the hate does get to me, even if I try to make it seem like I’m okay.” You were not surprised to hear that, even if he had done his best to always hide it from you when he was hurting. “I’m sorry.” You had no idea what else to say, so you just hugged him tightly, wanting to comfort him, the same way you knew he would for you.

Louis: You did not know what the harsh comments that had caused Louis so much pain were, but you had been with him for almost 5 months, and you’d never once seen him as upset as he was in that very moment. “Louis, what’s wrong?” ”I don’t know why people have to say such horrible things.” You reached out to grab his hand, and thought carefully of what you were saying as you replied, “Whatever they said, ignore it. I know it must have been horrible, but they just want to hurt you.” “They did,” he answered, holding onto your hand tightly. He was glad to have you there for support, when he felt so awful, “I know you were going home later, but can you just stay today?” “Of course, I’m not going anywhere.”

Liam: You were very used to Liam comforting you. Anytime you were hurt, he was the first person you would go to. He knew just what to do, to make you feel so much better. So now that he was the one hurting, you hoped you could return that to him. “It’ll be okay,” you told him, when he kept saying over and over how horrible things were, “Those awful words, well that’s all they are. Like you always tell me, they don’t know you like I do. If they did, they’d never be so mean.” Liam had his head buried in his hands, before he responded to you, “I know I say that [Y/N], but it sometimes feels like the hate will never end.” You didn’t argue with him about that, “You’re right, Nothing you do or say, will make it go away. That’s why you have to ignore it, and just know it’s not true.”

Zayn: Zayn wouldn’t tell you what he’d been told, that had hurt him so badly. You knew it was something hateful though, just by the look in his eyes. He was so hurt over the comments, and you wished you could quickly make it all go away; if only it were that easy. “I love you so much Zayn, and I’m sorry people are so cruel,” you sighed, trying to seem calm, as you hugged him. It was so hard for you to see him hurt, and you could only hope your words would help. “People are horrible to make you feel bad. You’re such a good guy. Whatever they said, it’s just to hurt you. That’s all they want, and they aren’t worth your time.”

Niall: Niall had been told so many awful things in the past day, more so than ever before for an unknown reason, and it was hurting him so badly. “No matter what, they have something to say. Even if I’m nice, they hate me. It’s so hard to have so many people hate you. I know you have to deal with it too, and that makes me feel even worse. I hate this.” You couldn’t say anything to make it better, but you could hug him, and tell him you loved him more than anyone else; and that was something. Just to have one person be nice, when it felt like everyone was against him, made Niall feel a little better.

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