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Niall: “I’m not going to argue with you about this Niall,” you shouted at your best friend, doing exactly what you said did not want to do, “He is my boyfriend, and I don’t like you constantly saying rude things about him.” “It wasn’t rude,” Niall defended himself, “All I said was that you are sad, and you came to me not him. Would he hold you when you’re feeling low? That’s all I asked, and you got so mad!” “Because I know you hate him! I know that already, you don’t have to tell me!” “I don’t hate him,” Niall shook his head, “I just think you deserve someone who would be there for you, and I know I would.” “What are you even talking about?!” Niall could see you didn’t understand the end of what he’d just said, and he didn’t want to explain his feelings, “Nothing [Y/N]. Forget I said anything. Why are you sad anyway?”

Harry: You and Harry were really close, and you always thought one day maybe you would be more than friends. So it didn’t come as a shock to you, when Harry admitted he did like you as more than a friend. It didn’t seem out of the blue, but he knew you were taken. “You know I have a boyfriend,” you told him, trying not to make things awkward. “I know,” Harry nodded, feeling so much relief after having finally told you his true feelings, “And I know he’d kill me without any warning if he took look in my brain. I’m always thinking about you, and I do want to be with you, but I understand you’re with him right now.” You laughed at his use of the words right now, “So you don’t think we’ll last?” “I have hope you won’t,” he answered honestly, “Either way I just wanted you to know, and this doesn’t change our friendship, does it?” “Of course not. You’re still my best friend.”

Louis: Sitting amongst many friends, including you and your boyfriend, Louis was daydreaming away. In his mind he was the one sitting next to you, kissing you, and telling you he was in love; that wasn’t real though. “Louis, what are you thinking about?” you asked, bringing him out of his thoughts, “You look lost.” He wished he could tell you the truth about how much he loved you, but that wasn’t really an option. Your boyfriend was sitting right there, and Louis knew he couldn’t compete with him. ”Nothing,” he lied. You didn’t really buy that he was sitting there thinking about nothing, but you didn’t push to know the truth either, “Okay, so what movie do you think looks the best coming out this month?” “I don’t know,” Louis shrugged, feeling horrible now that he was back in reality where you were not next to him, but next to your boyfriend instead, “None really.”

Zayn: When Zayn found out about your plans to ask out the guy you were crazy about, he was so upset. He had been building up the courage to ask you out forever, and he was sure you knew that, and he really thought you liked him too. And if you could ask someone else out, he didn’t see why you couldn’t have been the one to make the first move between the two of you. “Do you really want to be with him? Do you know how I feel?” You didn’t nod at that, because you didn’t want to hurt him further. “Would he kiss you? Would he need you? Would he tell you he’s in love? Would he treat you like I do?” You couldn’t answer even one of Zayn’s questions, you just stood there stunned that he finally found his courage. “Would he love you like I would [Y/N]? Would he?” You had tears running down your face, as you finally replied, “I don’t care about being turned down by him. I did care about hearing no from you.”

Liam:  When one of Liam’s closest friends caught him staring at you, yet again, he rolled his eyes at how obvious he was, yet he did nothing about his major crush on you. “You act like you stand no chance with [Y/N]. Just ask her out already.” Liam wished he could listen to what his friend was saying, and walk across the room right that second, but there were reasons he couldn’t do that. “She has a boyfriend,” Liam reminded his friend. “So?” His friend didn’t see that as a reason Liam stood no chance with you. “Liam, he’s horrible to her.” “But he has a car,” Liam replied, seeing that as a big deal, “And he drives to school every morning, while I’m stuck walking in the rain.” “Maybe [Y/N] wouldn’t care,” his friend responded, “Just see.” “Not now, but if they ever break up, then I’ll ask her out.”

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