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Liam: It seemed liked everyone around you was breaking up. Love didn’t seem to hold anyone together, and you felt a strong fear it would happen to you and Liam as well. “We’ll do the same. We’ll hurt each other. It happens to everyone,” you cried, allowing Liam to know all of your thoughts. “We won’t. Just because everyone else is breaking up, means nothing to us. We don’t wanna be like them.” You wanted to believe that, but it seemed easier to fall apart, “Do you honestly think we can make it ‘til the end? Forever.” “I don’t have any doubts.”

Louis: You were crying into Louis’ arms, over your best friend’s relationship falling apart. You felt so horribly for her, but more than that, it made love feel hopeless. They always seemed so happy. They never fought, unlike you and Louis; and they were the ones who had ended it all. “We only saw so much of them [Y/N],” Louis explained to you, “We don’t know if they would hold each other like this. Or how they fought. We are not them.” You took a deep breath, “I know, but it’s hard to see them like this. I thought they were so in love, but I guess you and I were always happier.” 

Zayn: Fights normally seem very black and white, and the one you and Zayn were in the middle of now felt no different. You were so angry, because it felt like he was not seeing your side. It did not occur to you that you were not seeing his side either. He did notice though. “Can we just stop yelling. We can meet in the middle, and realize we’re both right and wrong.” You did not feel ready to give up; which is what you felt like he was asking. “No, you’re not listening to me!” “I am, and [Y/N] maybe we’re both wrong. We just need to find a common ground on this.” At that moment, it didn’t sound like a solution, but you did not want to argue alone, “Fine, maybe we can.”

Harry: You stared at Harry, as you slowly told him why you were so hurt after speaking to your best friends. “They told me I should leave,” you whispered, so upset over what they’d said, “That you’re not right for me, and a lot more that I don’t want to say.” Harry had no idea why your friends would say things like that. “‘Why?” Quickly he realized, before you could speak, that it did not matter, “It doesn’t matter. Do you think they’re right?” “No. They are just trying to come between us. They don’t want me happy, because they aren’t,” you admitted. As your tears fell, Harry leaned over to hug you tightly, “Nothing can come between us [Y/N]. I love you, and nothing is going to separate us.”

Niall: “So we’ll break up, just like everyone else,” you stated flatly. All the powerful emotions you had felt when fighting with Niall or when you were happy were now gone. Now, you just felt so broken. The thought of this being the end of you and Niall, it was too much. “No,” Niall was quick to answer, not ready at all to give up, “We’re not over. You and I - we’re not. Maybe they all broke up because they didn’t try like us. We’re not just going to let all this go away.” You felt a lot better hearing him saying that, “Okay, we’ll try. I’m willing to fight for us.”

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