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Niall: You and Niall had both wondered if your son was too young for this; he had only just turned a year old. But you both decided that of course he was old enough. You thought it would be a good memory to have. But as soon as Niall placed him down on Santa’s lap, he began to scream. He sounded like he was being tortured. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” Niall quickly picked him back up, “it’s okay.” Still crying, but calming down, your son wrapped his arms around Niall’s neck, “No!” You leaned over to him and kissed his forehead, “You don’t have to. It’s okay now. I promise. Me and Daddy won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

Zayn: Your daughter had been so excited all day to see Santa. It was going to be her first time, and so she couldn’t wait as you walked into the mall. “Daddy, I’m so excited! I finally get to meet Santa Claus! I’ve wanted this for so long!” Zayn had the biggest smile on his face, as he held her in his arms, “And you’re going to tell him what you want?” She nodded her head, and then as you were about to ask her what that would be, she suddenly saw the bright red coat and white beard, and was struggling to get down on the ground. “Santa is there! I see him! I see him!”

Louis: “I’m too old for this!” You daughter complained, as you and Louis made her stand in line for Santa. “You’re only 8,” Louis reminded her, while you were trying to fix her hair that she kept messing up. “Mom, stop it!” You ignored her words, and finished what you were doing, before speaking to her, “Look if you just take one last picture with Santa, I promise you next year we won’t make you.” Louis tried not to laugh, as your daughter said a frustrated whatever. “Be nice to your mom, or we can always find an Easter bunny next year.” Your daughter looked at Louis horrified, “No, don’t! Can we just finish this already?”

Liam: “And a dollhouse, a pool, a puzzle, a book…” Standing off to the side, you and Liam both were hoping your daughter’s list of what she wanted for Christmas would end soon. She wasn’t leaving anything out. “Come on, that’s enough,” Liam said, as he walked up to pick her up. “No, Santa has to know everything! So he can surprise me!” You hid a laugh, as Liam walked back over to you, easily giving in to his daughter, “I think 30 options is enough.” Liam shook his head, “And you’d think he could tell her to go away.” “I don’t think Santa can be rude,” you replied, glancing towards the empty line, “And no one is here, so I guess he has no reason to rush her. Let her ask for everything. Now no matter what we get her, she will be happy.”

Harry: Your oldest son was so excited as he sat on Santa’s lap, and it made you and Harry so happy to see. But your younger son, was clinging to Harry’s legs. “Are you scared?” You asked, as you bent down to his level. He shook his head, before looking down. “Then what’s wrong? Look how excited your brother is. Santa’s nice.” Your four year old could not look at you, as he whispered a reply, “I was bad this year. Santa knows!” A sympathetic smile covered your face, “You were good, baby. A few things here and there doesn’t make you naughty. You’re my sweet little boy. Okay?” “Promise I’m on the nice list?” You nodded your head, as he let go of Harry’s legs, “The nicest, and I know for a fact Santa really wants to meet you.”

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