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Harry: “Do you remember summer ‘09?” Harry asked you, thinking back to that time 5 short years ago, when the two of you had been together, and everything felt so right. Now you were just friends, and things were never the same. You thought back to that perfect time as well, and nodded. It felt like much longer than only 5 years ago. “Of course.” “I think about it a lot. I just can’t lie, it was the best time of my life,” he explained to you, hoping you’d understand what he was trying to tell you. He missed being with you so badly. “That was so long ago,” you replied, understanding perfectly. So long had passed since he’d let you go, and it just didn’t feel right now. “I know it’s been too long, and I should have admitted my mistake sooner. I was just too young to realize what I was letting go. I still love you though, and I hope you’ll think about trying again.”

Louis: “I used to think that I was better alone, but I was so wrong. I’m not better by myself, I’m better with you. Why did I ever wanna let you go?” At one point in time, Louis had been your everything. He was all you thought about everyday, and at that time you didn’t think you could survive without him. You had no choice about that though, after he dumped you, blaming distance and time apart as reasons why he was letting everything go. It had taken you so long to get over him, but somehow you did. So when you saw him again, months later, you didn’t want to hear about his regret. “I don’t know Louis. I thought we had it all when we were together, but you thought otherwise. You broke my heart. And I’m finally happy alone, and I don’t want to feel that way again. I’m sorry, but goodbye.”

Liam: “[Y/N]?!” Turning your head at the sound of your name being called, you were stunned to see Liam standing only a few feet behind you; looking more handsome than you remembered. So many years had passed since the last time you’d laid your eyes on him. You had both been so young in the summer of ‘09, when you’d been together. It seemed like a lifetime ago now, to think back to those months. “Liam!” The happy surprise was clear in your voice. There was no anger between the two of you. The summer had simply ended, and you’d go your separate ways. You had stayed together until the very last day of summer. You’d never even said goodbye. “I think about that summer a lot,” you told him with a smile. He smiled right back at you, “Me too. I wanna roll back like pressing rewind, and live that amazing summer again.”

Zayn: “Are you avoiding me [Y/N]?” One long weeks had passed since the last time you had seen Zayn. Seven days earlier, you had been with him laying under the moonlight, staring at the sea, and you’d told him that you loved him. Those scary three words had finally fallen from your lips. You said you would always be there for him, no matter what he felt back for you. You’d said so many things to him, that you now wanted to take back. He had said nothing in reply, and you left feeling so embarrassed. “No, well… I just want to say, I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean it.” “You can say that, but the words you whispered I will always believe, no matter what you’re saying now,” Zayn replied, refusing to believe that you didn’t mean your words, “I’m sorry I didn’t answer you. I was shocked, that’s it. I feel the same way, and I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you.”

Niall: “What is the best memory you have of our first year together? Of all that we did that year, what’s the thing you like the best? Or think of the most?” you randomly asked Niall one day, as the two of you lied in bed together. You had been together for much longer than one short year, but you had been thinking back to those first 12 months, when you were still just getting to know each other, often lately. All those first memories were so special to you. “My favorite memory?” he questioned. “Mhm, what is it?” He quickly thought of so many amazing memories that brought a smile to his face, but one stood out in his mind, “When we were lying on the beach, as the sun blew out. And I was playing that song you love on guitar by the fire. And they kept saying it was too loud, but they could never shut us down.” Vividly remembering that memory as well, you felt like you were right back on the sand, listening to the amazing music, “That was a really good time.”

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