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Liam: You and Liam were both trying to really love your tree. It was your first time decorating a tree together, and it was supposed to feel magical. However, the tree was horribly lopsided, and not what either of you expected. “This is what happens when we let someone else pick up our tree for us,” Liam laughed, as he hung an ornament on the tree, “Next year, we’ll make time and get it ourselves.” You shrugged off the suggestion, “Who cares what it looks like? This is our tree. And now we will have the memory forever, that our first tree we got together was awful and lopsided.” Liam loved how much you were trying to convince yourself that, “Sure [Y/N]. I’m sure we’ll never forget this.”

Harry: “We need a ladder to reach the top,” you told Harry, as you held the tree topper in your hands, and looked up at the very tip of your tree, “We will never reach the top of that without a chair or ladder.” Harry walked over to you, and took the tree topper from you hands, “Well you did have to pick the tallest tree they had. This thing is 8 feet tall.” “It was the best one,” you responded, defending your choice of trees, “Sure it’s way too tall, but look at it. It’s gorgeous.” Instead of looking at the tree, Harry’s eyes were on you, as you gazed at the tree so happily. “Yeah, it’s perfect.”

Zayn: “Done,” you stated, as you stepped away from your fully decorated tree, “It looks great. Doesn’t it Zayn?” Looking at the tree after you asked that, Zayn noticed how many little details you had put into it, that made it 100% yours. Even if he had not helped you decorate it, it would have been obvious to him that it was your tree. “I love it. It’s how exactly how I’d expect your tree to look.” “It’s ours,” you countered, a look of concern covering your face, “Is it too much my style?” Zayn loved your concern, but shook his head with a bright smile, “It’s perfect [Y/N]. I love it this way. You did a great job picking everything out.”

Niall: Your Christmas tree was such a small one. Nearly half the size of the trees you were used to. But this was the one you had wanted; and Niall didn’t care at all what it looked like, as long as you were happy with it, he was too.  ”Are you sure you don’t regret not getting a bigger one?” he asked you, wanting to be sure you were happy with the tree. It wasn’t as if you couldn’t go back and get a second one if you changed your mind. “No. I don’t know why, but I just love this one. It’s small, but it’s so perfect otherwise. Once we’re done decorating it, you’ll see what I mean. This tree is the perfect tree for us. Just trust me.” Niall smiled, while nodding his head, “I do. I’m sure it’ll look amazing.”

Louis: “Why won’t any of the lights work?” You questioned, annoyed as you tried once again to plug in the lights that had stopped working only a second after you plugged them in for the first time, “Did we buy defective lights?” Louis could not help but laugh at the situation, as he bent down to see if there was anything he could do to fix them, “Such a simple thing to make the tree incomplete.” “I just want it to work, and see our Christmas tree all lit up. I’m so excited,” you said, right as Louis twisted a light, and suddenly the entire tree was glowing, “Louis it’s working!” “Finally,” Louis sighed, as he stood back up, and looked at your tree, “Let’s hope the lights last all Christmas now.”

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