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Zayn: “So what are your goals for the new year?” Zayn asked you, as the two of you sat in a hotel room, watching the New Year’s celebrations on TV. “Hmm, I don’t know. My life is pretty good right now,” you replied, while trying to think of something that you wanted, but nothing came to mind. “What about you? What do you want this year?” Zayn also tried to think of something, but not one thing popped into his head either, “I have pretty much everything I want. My career is perfect, my girlfriend is amazing,” he paused after saying that, and kissed you quickly, “I can’t really think of anything else I want. I just hope next year is as amazing as this one was.”

Louis: “Be careful! You said, as Louis bent down to light a firework. “It’s okay [Y/N]. I know what Im doing,” he answered, as the flame took hold of the firework, and he began to back away before it popped. “I just don’t want it to fall over or something,” you told him, as he stood next to you, and you both looked up waiting for the sparks. “It wont. I made sure it’s sturdy where it is. Just enjoy,” he answered, moments before all the fireworks began shooting into the sky; creating a beautiful show to start off the new year.

Liam: It was New Years Eve, and it was just you and Liam. You were lying in bed, thinking of everything that had happened in the past year, that made it such a good year. The one thing that stuck out to you more than anything else, was the day you and Liam met. “Just think, at this time last year we didn’t know each other,” you sighed, while moving so you were comfortably resting your head on Liam’s chest. “And that one fact made this year the best,” Liam replied, “This year would have still been okay, but meeting you was the best part of it.” “Even better than all the places you were able to go?” Liam did not need to think about it for even a moment, “Much better.”

Harry: You were sitting next to Harry the entire night, at a friend’s party to ring in the new year. Neither of you moved at all, until he said he had a surprise for you and left the room. After a few minutes curiosity got to you, and you stood to go find him. Before you took even one step though, he rushed back into the room. “Where did you go?” You’ll see, he replied, while grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the room, with your friends following behind. As you stepped outside, he whispered in your ear. “Look up.” You glanced up just as hundred of fireworks went off, all in your favorite colors. I had that specially made just for you. Wow! That was the only thing you could think or say, “Wow!”

Niall: “It’s so amazing being this close!” You shouted over a lot fo noise, as you and Niall stood on the streets of New York City, waiting for the ball to begin dropping to the ground, “This is the best!” “This really is fun,” Niall agreed, with his arms around you waist, “Who would have thought waiting to watch a giant ball drop could be a way to spend a holiday?” You giggled, just as the one minute countdown began. Niall leaned in, to whisper in your ear, “48, 47, 46…” The moment the ball was done dropping, and everyone was cheering for the new year, you quickly turned around, and collided you lips with Niall’s, and it was the perfect way to start the new year.

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