You broke up with him and now he wants you back

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Liam: It had been three whole weeks since the two of you broke up. Technically, you broke up with him. That hate had gotten to be too much. Fans were claiming they preferred Danielle because she paid more attention to fans then you did. You figured that if you ended things with Liam, everyone would back off. But they didn’t. They continued to send threatening messages and all but you never wanted to admit to Liam you were wrong. Even though you miss him more and more every day, you cannot bring yourself to admit you were wrong. You sit on you laptop in your trackies, scrolling through the endless tweets about your and Liam’s break up, some comforting, but most were hurtful. The doorbell rang, interrupting your thoughts. Upon opening the door, no one is there, but when you look at the doorstep, there was a single candle, flickering in the light. You pick it up as it blows out and step out of your house. Behind the wall next to the door, is another candle. And another. And another. They lead all the way back to the backyard. When you finally make it to the very back of your yard you pick up and blow out the final candle but instead you hear a match lighting as another candle is lit near you. And then, standing, right before your eyes, is Liam. Tears in his eyes and a candle resting in his hands. He’s wearing a suit, just like the one he wore when you first met. “Y/N,” He began, stepping down from the porch towards you, “I remember how you used to say to me that we’d be together forever. And when we met, years and years ago at my cousins wedding, I was wearing exactly this and feeling exactly the same way I do today. I miss you so much Y/N, and I want you back. Hell, Ineed you back! I can stop this hate, I promise. Just, come back to”. As soon as you hear Liam’s pleads you instantly find your body colliding with his. He wraps his arms around you tightly and kisses your forehead. “I love you so much, Y/N”. “I love you too, Liam”

Louis: You slammed your laptop shut, sick of reading all these messages to you about your relationship with Louis. You had a perfectly good reason to break up with him. You think. Well, all you two were doing was fighting and growing distant. But now, that he was gone, made you wonder what he was doing. Who he was dating? If he missed you or not. You reach for the remote, eager to get him out of your head. But that wasn’t a help when an interview with none other than One Direction popped up on the screen. You sat there, fighting the urge not to cry as the interviewer, Chelsea Handler, asked that stupid, damn question. “So, whose single?”. You watch Louis look slightly pained as he raised his hands. “But you’ve just recently got out of a relationship with Y/N, right?” Chelsea asked. Louis nodded and licked his lips sadly, “Yeah”. “You must be happy to be finally single again right? Single and on the prowl?” Chelsea joked. Louis shook his head and narrowed his eyes at her, “Not at all…I love her. And I hate not being able to see her every day or wake up to her face. I do want her back, Chelsea but I have no idea how to tell her” he said, his voice cracking as his eyes brimmed with tears. “Well, your on live TV right now, why don’t you tell her how you feel?” Chelsea offered pointing to the camera. Louis nodded and turned toward the camera, staring dead straight into it as the other boys just watched on sadly. “Y/N, baby, I miss you…please, please come back to me! You have no idea how much time i’ve been spending hoping you’ll come back to me. I know I screwed up losing you and I can’t stand the thought of you leaving again. Please, Y/N, will you be mine again?” He finished, a single tear rolling down his cheek. He sat back and the audience continued as if nothing just happened. You grabbed your phone, tears spilling down your cheeks as you instantly message him ‘Yes, I love you, Louis. I will be yours again xx’. Louis’s phone vibrated in his pocket and he reached to get it. His face broke into a grin as he read your message and he leapt up from the couch. “SHE SAID YES!”

Zayn: “Zayn! I’m sorry, I just can’t! I can’t take this anymore! I’m not perfect, okay! I can’t handle all the crap your putting me through” you cry as you shove your keys into your bag. “So what, Y/N!” Zayn says angrily, 
“You think I like seeing you like this?!”. “No! I know it kills you too but…” you say quietly, your voice cracking. “But what, Y/N?!”. “But I don’t think we can be together anymore” you stutter out, the words literally causing a break in your heart. They were words you never thought you’d have to say. “Fine! Leave! See if I give a shit!” He shouts and storms out, making sure to slam the door right in your face. Well, that was two weeks ago, exactly two weeks today. The last thing Zayn said to you was ‘See if I give a shit’. The break-up was hard, and if you thought the threats were bad before, wait till you saw them now. You decide to go for a drive to clear your head. Your rolling down the street in your car, speeding up at random points when Zayn pops into your mind. You see him everywhere these days, and it’s killing you! It starts to pour down outside and you decide to start heading back to your apartment block. You pull up outside the house to see none other then the boy in your mind, sitting on the park bench outside of your house, staring down at his hands as he grew drenched in the rain. “Zayn!” You shout, leaping out of your car and running over to him, “What the hell are you doing?!”. He hands you a completely soaked piece of paper and smiles apologetically. “It was a letter.. saying everything I needed to say but couldn’t. So, it’s trashed now, I guess i’ll just have to say it” He paused and took a deep breath before taking up your hands in his. “Y/N,” He began, peering at your through the harsh whips of rain, “Your perfect. You may not think so because of some nasty messages people send, but you truly are perfect! And you don’t have to be perfect in their eyes but your perfect in mine. And that’s all the matters, isn’t it? That we love each other and we cannot live without each other and i’ve tried. But I can’t. Please come back to me, Y/N” He pleads, managing to stare dead straight into your eyes through the rain. You feel yourself smiling, then you feel your eyes water up but you can’t tell if it’s the rain or you’ve got tears of joy but, either way, you knew you wanted him back too. “Okay”. You toss your arms around his shoulders and pull him close, pressing your lips against his. In the end, he endedgetting that magical kiss in the rain everyone has always wanted.

1D imagines and prefrencesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن