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Harry: “I thought you’d be here for Christmas….” You said slowly, not wanting to make Harry feel bad. You did miss him though, and thought for sure this was a day you did not have to worry about him being far away. “I just can’t [Y/N], I’m sorry,” Harry explained, “if I fly there, I can’t make it back here in time for something we have to do the day after Christmas.” You tried to hold it together, as you replied to Harry, “So when will I get to see you then? Will we get to see each other at all this month?” “I think I’ll be able to go the day before New Years.” That seemed so long away, even if it was only a week, “Okay, but I’m going to really miss you on Christmas.” “I’ll miss you too. I’m really sorry. I wish I could be there.”

Liam: You were supposed to spend Christmas with Liam. Your flight had been booked for months. Everything was supposed to go perfectly. So you never expected to be stuck in an airport, unable to get to Liam. “There is a lot of storms, so I’m stuck here,” you explained to Liam over the phone, trying not to cry, “I wanted to be there with you so badly.” Liam could barely believe after all the waiting, you’d spent Christmas apart, “There’s no flights out at all?” You voice shook as you replied, “Not until late tomorrow, and then I’ll get there on the 26th.” “We’ll celebrate later then.” You swallowed a lump in your throat, “Sure. Merry Christmas Liam. I love you.” “I love you too [Y/N]. I wish I could change this so we’d be together. We have so many more Christmases to come though, so we’ll just have to enjoy all of them.”

Zayn: You and Zayn had only been dating a few months, so of course you would not be spending Christmas together. It had not even seemed like a big deal, until the very day of. As you celebrated Christmas with your family, you found yourself wishing Zayn were with you. It seemed so strange, to miss him so much, when everything was still so new. You weren’t even sure if you loved him yet, though each day you felt stronger and stronger for him; yet you spent most of such a joyous day, sad because he was not with you. Finally you had to at least call him, just to hear his voice. And when he answered, and seemed so happy to talk to you, it made your Christmas so much more magical. “Hi [Y/N], I was hoping you’d call. How is your Christmas so far?”

Louis: “But it’s your birthday, and then Christmas!” You exclaimed, when Louis told you it was okay that you were unable to get to him in time for the holidays, “it’s not okay.” “Yes it is [Y/N]. It’s not like you won’t be here with me on purpose. I know you want to be here.” You liked that he was being so understanding, but it didn’t make you feel any less guilty, “I just really want to be there with you. It’s such a big week.” “I know, but we’ll celebrate together after. It’s not like we’ll never see each other again. It’s only a few days, and I’ll be thinking about you the entire time.” You actually found yourself smiling as you replied, “I’ll be thinking about you too. And calling you a million times to say Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas.”

Niall: You were apart all over a small fight. Neither you nor Niall really remembered what it was over, but somehow it had led to you spending such an important day apart. “This is stupid,” you told Niall, after breaking down and calling him, “We should be together today, and not letting stupid things get in the way.” On the other end of the line, Niall was nodding his head, “I know, I really wish I was with you right now. It’s less special without you here.” “I know the feeling,” you replied, as you glanced towards the Christmas tree, “I want to be in the spirit, but I just miss you.” Niall was quiet for a few seconds, before responding, “We shouldn’t have let things so small allow us to spend Christmas apart. Next year, no matter what, I want to be together. Even if we don’t speak, I’m going to be there with you. It’ll be better than this.” “It will be. I love you Niall.” “I love you too [Y/N]. Merry Christmas.”

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