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Louis: The end of the warmer weather came too quickly. It felt like you’d driven down to the beach only yesterday, and yet three months had flown by. Three months of getting to know and falling for Louis, and now it was over. Telling him goodbye was the worst part of your summer. You looked up at the bright sky and didn’t see the sunshine, “It feels snow is September.” Louis’ heart was breaking as well. He didn’t want to tell you goodbye, but there was no choice, all he could do was try to see the bright side, “I’m glad you were my summer love.” You smiled, as a tear fell down your face. Louis wanted you to understand that he’d never forget you, “You always will be my summer love [Y/N], I won’t forget this.”

: “I promise…” you began to say, with a long speech prepared in your head of all the things you would promise to do once you and Zayn were far apart, now that the summer had come to an end. However, before you could get your sentence out, Zayn cut you off. “[Y/N], don’t promise that you’ll write.” You opened your mouth to say you never planned to write, but again he cut you off. “Don’t promise that you’ll call either. Just promise you’ll remember we had it all.” You understand now what he was saying. Once you went your separate ways, he didn’t want to continue what you had. You hid the disappointment on your face, as you replied, “Oh… I promise.”

Harry: Standing by your car, trying to say goodbye to Harry, you desperately wanted time to freeze. So many things were just begging to fall from your lips, but all you think of was goodbye. You opened your mouth, prepared to finally say it, when Harry spoke instead. “Don’t say the word that’s on your lips.” You felt tears stinging your eyes over his words. It was so hard on both of you that this was all over. “Don’t look at me that way.” You tried to wipe away your tears, but it was hard for you to hide your feelings. “I’ll always remember this summer [Y/N]. You’ve made it the best 3 months ever.” Finally a smile broke through your pain, “I’ll never forget this either.”

Niall: “I wish that we could be alone now,” Niall whispered to you, as he was trying to tell you goodbye. Your entire family were mere feet from the two of you, and staring the entire time. All you wanted was peace and quiet to say everything you’d thought over the past few months, but with them there all your words seemed to vanish. “I wish we could find a place to hide,” Niall continued quietly so only you could hear him, “Make the last time, just like the first time.” You wrapped your arms around him tightly, never wanting to let go. “I wish we could push a button and rewind. Do this all again, and I’d never have to let you go.” You began to cry softly, missing him already, “I love you Niall.” “I love you too [Y/N].”

Liam: “I can’t believe you’re packing your bags,” Liam said, while he watched you slowly putting all of your clothes into the large suitcase you had not seen in months. You were trying so hard not to cry, as you tossed your shorts and bathing suits into the bag. “I had the best time with you this summer [Y/N].” You stopped what you were doing, and looked up at him sadly, “But now it’s the worst time.” “Yeah,” he agreed, hoping this moment would not truly ruin all of the amazing memories you’d created in such a short season. “We have to say goodbye,” you told him, bringing him out of his thoughts, “I’m leaving in five minutes.” He could have said more, there was so much more he was thinking, but he had to force that one word to fall from his lips, “Goodbye.”

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