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Niall: Announcing that you and Niall were getting married was supposed to be a magical time. You were looking forward to every step of the planning, and to be married to the man you loved in only a few short months. People around you were not so excited for the two of you though, and it broke your heart. “I just want everyone to be happy for us. What’s the point of having this big wedding, if everyone thinks we’re so stupid? No one thinks we’ll last.” “They don’t know what they’re talking about,” Niall responded, as a tear ran down your face, “They can say we shouldn’t be together, and that we’re too young to know about forever, but you and I both know they’re wrong. And when we’re still married 50 years from now, they’ll see we were right.” A small smile crept onto your face, knowing that was true, “They’ll all be wrong.”

Louis: When you and Louis began dating, it seemed only logical that you would keep your relationship private until you knew for sure things were going well. Neither of you felt comfortable with too many people knowing that you were dating, without the two of you even knowing if it would last or not. After 5 months, you still worried about if it was the right time. Louis’ doubts has all vanished though, “I don’t want to wait any longer. I just wanna tell the world that you’re mine.” You looked down nervously, “What if this isn’t real?” “Do you really think that? I feel like this love is only getting stronger. Everyday I love you more.” You smiled at his words, “I love you too, I’m just worried.” “Don’t be. This is right. I want the entire world to know how amazing you are, and what you mean to me.”

Harry: “I’m not right for you. We don’t match. I’m such a horrible person for you to be with. That’s what I have to hear on a daily basis, Harry. I hate it so much. Why do people say these things?” Harry didn’t have an answer right away. He truly didn’t understand why people would say all those awful things to you. They didn’t even know you. Suddenly, he realized, maybe that was the problem. “They don’t know about us, so they assume things. They don’t know about the things we do, or the I love yous, or the up all nights. All the things that make us work, they don’t know about. So how can they know if we’re right for each other?” You shrugged sadly, “I just wish they’d stop, or could see the truth.” “If they could they would just be jealous anyway.” “I guess,” you agreed, “I know I’ll never please them all. I’m just glad you love me anyway.”

Zayn: Barely a month had passed since the day you first met Zayn, and already you were both madly in love. In all seemed so fast, but it also seemed so right. Not even once did you stop and wonder if things were moving too quickly. “I can’t even explain it, but I just love you so much,” you told Zayn, wishing you could put it into so many more words. He understood though, even with just that short sentence. “I feel the same way. And it keeps getting better all the time. Everyday that passes I love you more. I know we’re rushing things, but I don’t care. I don’t care what anyone else says, they don’t know I’ve waited all my life, just to find a love that feels this right.” You quickly kissed him after he said that, and pulled away with a bright smile. “I don’t care either.”

Liam: “They don’t seem to like me very much,” you whispered to Liam, as you were walking away from the other boys. After being with Liam for over 3 months, it had been your first time meeting them, and you didn’t think it had gone well. Everything felt awkward, and you could just tell they didn’t like you. They were nice to you, but you still knew how they really felt. It was your worst fear; his friends not liking you. Liam didn’t think it mattered though, “They just don’t know how special you are, or what you’ve done to my heart.” You blushed, as a smile covered your face, “What if they tell you something?” He glanced back at his friends, but quickly looked back at you, “They can say anything they want, ‘cause they don’t know us.” Your smile stayed on your face, and you hoped he was right. You truly hoped nothing they said would change how Liam felt.

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